I have google drive smoking. right now, a bunch of accounts, shared folders, put in on, from anywhere, retrieve it anywhere. Very convenient for lesson planning, some at home, some in school. I use forms and an add on called Flubaroo to grade all my stuff. It took a couple years to transition, but it works great for me. I believe if you are privacy freak, you should take pruning shears to all your computer cables. The only benefit about being as fucked as I am, in every metric, that my shit would bring a hacker to his or her knees! OBTW this IOS8.1 piece of shit has made this damn IPAD all but useless. It sucks. It is IPAD II.
I use Dropbox because I'm the publicity director (all volunteer) for Plano Metropolitan Ballet, of which my older daughter is a member. It's how I manage the pictures from all of the various photo shoots.
Freezes, messed up internet...takes forever to get connection. Connection drops. Google iPad 2 and 8.1 or whatever...lots of issues. Guess you live right.
That'll be the day . . . I've got the model with the maximum flash disk space and I keep a third of it free. iOS writes a lot of scratch files to itself and if you are operating close to max capacity, it has no space to do this and slows up trying to keep everything in RAM. If you are loaded with files, try getting rid of some photos and music you can live without and see if it speeds up the issue. Also some people leave their iPad on all of the time because when it goes to sleep it uses almost no power at all. I am bad about that, too. But shutting it down and restarting it about once a week will defragment your RAM and may give you some speed, too.
Thank you, I have tried a lot of stuff, nothing seems to go back to pre 8.0 IOS. I expect my RAM is limited, can't remember what I have, but if there were options, I probably chose too low! I will keep checking! Thanks
So before I upgrade, I need to back up my pictures. Would you recommend Dropbox? And would you recommend 7 or 8? I'm still on 4 with my ipad2.
I recommend maxing the memory on all devices, you can't have too much. New OS always demand more memory. I just haven't hit the wall yet. New Apple computers and devices eschew USB ports, disk drives, and SDcard slots. It's a Bluetooth/WiFi/broadband/cloud environment in our future.
Dude.....I respect your opinion....but I am not a technological genius. What the fuck does all that mean?
I use Microsoft's OneDrive. I got 5gb free, and adding more space isn't all that expensive. I haven't had to physically copy a file since setting this up. I take a picture on my phone, when I get home, it's in my PC. I'm also linked from my PC at work, my laptop, and 2 tablets (yes, I have a lot of tech shit, but I work in IT). If I put music in there, its automatically available on all my other devices. Truly brilliant.