FINALLY, somebody says it. Every time democrats praise Bill Clinton - they say, "look what he did for the economy. It was great under him as president." All I could say back was, "What exactly did he do?" Because he didn't do SH*#. The economy is on a cycle, it goes up - it goes down. Clinton got lucky, W. got unlucky. People who want to vote for Kerry because they think he will revive the economy... simply don't understand the economy.
Bill Clinton was and is the biggest con man you're ever likely to see in your lifetime. To this day, there are people who are convinced that he was an innocent victim of the mean ol' if he had absolutely nothing to do with the situation he found himself in. He was (and still is) the consummate scam artist.
I had a clinton fan today tell me Clinton was a great president. I asked them why they thought that and they responded with "the economy,stupid." I went off on them. I asked them if they knew how the economy works and they couldn't explain anything to me. I asked them who sets interest rates and they did not know...Anyone that says Clinton actually was the reason for the great economy usually has no idea what they are saying...