Don't anybody call me during the game. My daughter has a soccer game starting at 3 pm

Discussion in 'The Tiger's Den' started by WestCoastTiger, Nov 8, 2005.

  1. OpelousasLSUFan

    OpelousasLSUFan Founding Member

    Jan 20, 2005
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    Re: Don't anybody call me during the game. My daughter has a soccer game starting at

    Nope that was the ONLY day we could get the reception hall to fit everybody in. We tried like hell to not have it on the day of a game but could not. I was not too sure my father-in-law to be was going to show up to the wedding because of the game! We had people listening to the last 5 minutes of the game in the church. We started right after UGA tied the game up on the screen play. I did not want to go in but they made me. The first thing my wife said after we walked out the church was who won the game?
  2. OpelousasLSUFan

    OpelousasLSUFan Founding Member

    Jan 20, 2005
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    Sounds like a good comprimise to me!:thumb: My wife is almost as big of a TIGER fan as me and knows not to ask me to do anthing silly when the game is on now. I gave into her once and it will not happen again.:wink:

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