yeah i get that the truth hurts. you are noting that story about the white man shooting the black kid. is that a single instance, or representative of a pattern where white folks are killing blacks out of proportion? seems like the reality is that blacks kill whites more, than blacks kills whites. at double the rate perhaps? even though they are a far smaller number of the population. i was wondering if you and i could do some research on this and discover if this story about the white man is actually emblematic of a larger pattern. i have heard that for example black on asian crime is roughly 380 times more frequent than asian on black crime. wow! that cant be true can it? if this story about the white guy is representative of a pattern of racist killing of blacks, that would be something. but its not, is it? blacks are overwhelmingly killed by other blacks, who are hugely violent relative to whites. i mean stunningly, hugely more violent.
this weekend in chicago 37 people were shot. 11 killed. this is a typical warm weather weekend. why is the media so fixated on one single killing of a a black kid by an ancient white man? is it to spread a narrative about the dangers of white people? @Rex did you see the story of the black guy that shot a white child? no? did he do that because he watches MSNBC?
Leave it to a peabrain such as yourself to think you're winning any sort of anti-gun argument or pro-Fox argument by listing those things. Each of all those things would be far less of a problem if we had sane gun control laws, and Fox, being the shitbag lying network and a cancer on this country that is has admitted itself to be, propagates and promotes the violent things you bring up.
this is a behavior you have learned. you insult people and hope they care enough to insult you back, thereby deflecting from the topic. why is the media so fixated on one single killing of a black kid by an ancient white man? is it to spread a narrative about the dangers of white people? was that the only killing this week?
why is the race mentioned in the story and amplified while another story about a dude black dude shooting a white family doesnt mention race in the headline? why is every story in baton rouge local news only? last week they killed a pregnant lady! the majority of murder is black killers and victims. and this is insane given they are only 13 percent of the population. but the stories are hugely magnified by the press when they go againnst the larger pattern. seems like the real pattern ought to be the issue, and not the odd exceptions. biden has invited the black kid to the white house. why not the family of the white guy killed by blacks at home depot a few days ago? why not the white family in north carolina that was just shot up by a black guy? i think there was a study on this and they found that black victims get 34 times more press coverage when killed by whites. i should look that up.
the black kid has a go fund me, 3.4 million. this kid is lucky he was shot by a white guy. kids get shot in baton rouge all the time, nobody gives a shit. the white 6 year olf girl shot by a black man, she has one too, 55 thousand. why is the media so public with one story and not the other? seems wrong to shoot a 6 year old girl and her parents. now CNN has the grandson of the white guy on telling how his grandpa was a racist. curiously, the nephew of the black guy who shot the 6 year old and her white family is not on tv saying why he shoots children. and the black couple that stole shit from home depot and murdered the employee on the way out, they dont have a cousin on tv telling how they are fucking assholes. but why not? what is the point of CNN calling this old codger out by having his relatives trash him? black woman kills 12 year old white child. never saw it on CNN. kid was across the street in a yard she owned. hot even at her house.