What part of the DNA strands of Blacks and Latinos make them more genetically prone to gun violence? You invent dishonest answers for everything, so give me a biological one, Herr Mengele.
i dunno, presumably the same ones that make men more violent than women. aggression, risk taking, etc you do admit that men are more violent than women, eh?
why would i bother denying something for which i have never been credibly accused? i notice the facts and stats are not helping your cause, friend! https://www.newyorkfed.org/medialibrary/media/research/epr/99v05n3/9909levi.pdf
Your denial would be as dishonest as almost everything else you post, anyway. I have "credibly accused" you of it many times, and now you've absolutely, blatantly proven it. You are the very worst form of racist, a biological racist... like Hitler before you. A racist and peabrain, which equates to being a p.o.s. Seriously, not that you could answer coherently anyway, and not that the opinion of a dishonest p.o.s. would be respected, anyway, it's quite a conundrum why a racist who insists that Blacks and Latinos are genetically prone to violence would want those people to have easy access to guns. Don't bother with an answer; it, of course, won't be taken seriously because no intelligent person COULD take it seriously.