Read it again AND as for taste steak really doesn't have one, it's not sweet, not bitter, not salty, and damn sure not sour so it taste like what you make it taste like, salt, pepper and butter. I promise you, and I've done this before, you come at one of my steaks with any of that crap it's the last one you eat on my dime. My sister in law did that shit years ago, she eats hamburger now when the rest of eat rib eye.
Just saying thanks for letting me know, I will have some 70/30 ready for you if we ever do steaks at my place
1 other thing, I won't ever cook a steak well done, I will ask you how you want it and as long as you don't go past medium I will do my best to get it right. You want shoe leather then head to sizzler.
Listen you little menu dictator, if you're cooking a steak for a guest you cook it the way THEY like it.