Doesn't wanting to "talk" to Saban again

Discussion in 'The Tiger's Den' started by Maderan, Dec 22, 2004.

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  1. marcmc99

    marcmc99 Founding Member

    Aug 21, 2003
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    I'd like to hear exactly how is Rex hurting LSU by voicing his opinion? At least he paid his twelve bucks for this site, which is more than can be said of some around here.
  2. Tigerfan58

    Tigerfan58 Founding Member

    Dec 8, 2003
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    The guy wins a National Championship, follows that up with a 9-2 season, is going to his fourth straight New Year's (or better) bowl game and so-called "fans" like Rex (and way too many others) want to see him crucified because he has the nerve to even think about bettering himself and his family. If this has to be explained to you then obviously you have never been up for promotion. Perhaps Burger King is all filled up with french fry technicions. :dis:
  3. marcmc99

    marcmc99 Founding Member

    Aug 21, 2003
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    Sorry but I have no idea what a technicion is. Maybe someone of your vast knowledge could explain it to me. :dis: Back to the point, I don't see anyone looking to have him crucified for thinking about jumping to the NFL. You are the one saying the Miami job is a "promotion". I personally feel LSU is better for him long-term. The original point here was, is Saban going to wait until after the bowl game to make an announcement? He gets the offer today, he has known most of the details since last week. He's had plenty of time to make up his mind. Recruiting visits start Jan. 9 I do believe. It is in the best interest of LSU to know his decision as soon as possible.
  4. friday

    friday Founding Member

    Dec 2, 2003
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    Tigerfan 58

    question: how do you quote just a part of a post like you did on Rex's post? I can't figure that one out. thanks
  5. marcmc99

    marcmc99 Founding Member

    Aug 21, 2003
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    just delete what you don't want to use.

    that or you can use the quotation box above the text box where you type.
  6. friday

    friday Founding Member

    Dec 2, 2003
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    thanks marc.
  7. Tigerfan58

    Tigerfan58 Founding Member

    Dec 8, 2003
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    Well then obviously that's the holdup. Saban is waiting for YOU to tell him what's best for him. :dis:

    Yes, it's called responsibility. Is that one too big a word for you to understand as well? Saban is doing his job. And right now that is to coach LSU in the bowl game. I can't make it any more simple than that.

    MOST of the details???? That's like going to dinner and being told that MOST of your food is cooked. Which part aren't you going to eat???
    You don't make a decision as important as this one without knowing EXACTLY what's on the table. And guess what? Sometimes those details change from day to day depending on the situation.
    Saban is here coaching LSU to the Cap One Bowl. His agent is in Miami trying to iron out those DETAILS. Until those DETAILS are known how do you expect a decision to be made?

    Jan 9??? That's 3 weeks away calendar boy. There is absolutely no reason to make a decision until after the bowl game. Anything sooner than that would be rushing into a life-changing decision.
  8. marcmc99

    marcmc99 Founding Member

    Aug 21, 2003
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    Thanks for proving what I previously thought. You are without a doubt one of the biggest idiots to ever post on this site. Some moron trying to belittle me by calling me a Burger King employee, when said moron can even spell the word technician. You are so stupid, in fact, you fail to see the significance of Jan. 9 from the LSU perspective. If Saban does take the Miami job after the bowl game, that leaves one week to get a coach hired, have a staff assembled, familiarize the new coaches with who the potential recruits are, and hit the recruiting trail. Maybe if he does leave you'll pack your monitor and keyboard and take it to the Dolphins message board. Me, I'll be staying here with the rest of the true :lsup: fans.
  9. TwistedTiger

    TwistedTiger Founding Member

    Dec 10, 2003
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    One week to put a staff and a class together is really cutting it close to say the least. Plus you really don't want to rush and get the first head coach available nor the assistants. Hopefully Skip is really working hard through third parties to get some ducks in a row just in case Saban bolts.
  10. Tigerfan58

    Tigerfan58 Founding Member

    Dec 8, 2003
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    Neither Saban nor I are hinging on your opinion.

    Do you honestly think that if Saban bolts, the very next day will be the FIRST day Bertman walks out the front door looking for a new coach? Do you think perhaps Bertman might have a name or two in mind already? Do you think that maybe, just maybe, Bertman might have spoken to a person or two just in case? Or do you imagine him just sitting around in his boxers watching ESPN and waiting for the next check in the mail?
    Jeeez I can't explain EVERYTHING to you. Some of these things you're going to have to figure out for yourself.

    I know LSU fans. And you sir, and the selfish, near-sighted bandwagoners like you, are no LSU fan.
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