Doesn't logic show Saban is gone?

Discussion in 'The Tiger's Den' started by max, Dec 18, 2004.

  1. Tygrr

    Tygrr Win the West

    It wasn't a personal attack, I just think that if he's staying we'll soon know and vice versa. I guess it's each individual's choice whether or not to take part in all this speculating, it just seems pointless.
  2. ramah

    ramah Founding Member

    Aside from the "token" angle ... laughable

    It gives LSU time to "sweeten the pot even more" and TAF to cement the deal through legal department, etc ... and it doesn't hurt Saban's position one iota ... ever heard of poker, human nature ... and Santa Claus

    ~T~A~F~ ~S~H~O~W~ ~N~I~C~K~ ~M~O~ ~$~ ... now that LSU is "on the hook" ... what else is wiggling behind the scenes ... you sure as **** don't know & your logic doesn't get you anywhere

    I'd like to see a TV show about this **** ... I'd be glued to it ... laughing my azz off every week.

    Sexton just added a Book to his personal library ... 1001 ways to skin a redneck ... now sits next to his latest ... 1001 ways to skin a Coonass

    I know Saban is staying ... I know Sexton is playing ... Christmas is in the air ...

    What could that special something in every Tiger's stocking be this X-mas?

    :shock: ... Tune from "Here comes Santa Claus" kicks in ...

    This post produced by "Sexton Christmas Productions MMIV"
  3. SpringTiger

    SpringTiger Founding Member

    Max, to answer your original question, I believe logic dictates that it is still very possible that Saban will take the Miami job. That doesn't necessarily mean that he will. Guys, isn't there a chance that Saban has truly not yet decided whether he will take it or not? Most of you are talking like he's already decided. Perhaps it really is a very difficult decision for him (and his family) and he needs some time. Having said that, I personally believe that Saban is going to take the Miami job. It's just a bad feeling that I have. And, I'm generally very optimistic. I hope that I am wrong.

    Regarding the NFL minority interview rule. Isn't that the stupidest liberal politician type of thinking? Do they actually believe that this rule is going to cause more minorities to be hired??? It's ludicrous! NFL owners want to win. They will hire the coach they believe gives them the best chance to win. Period. The coach could be white, black, purple, or green. They certainly signed black players when the black players were the best ones available.
  4. houtiger

    houtiger Founding Member


    Your logic is right on. I think he is a goner. I'll be shocked if it turns out he stays.
  5. pensacola

    pensacola Founding Member

    Yep, after that quote I'd say he's toast.
  6. tygertail

    tygertail Founding Member

    read the tea leaves, he's gone

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