I'm not religious at all but I'm not an atheist. I too have a God concept, I just don't pronounce it as fact that the rest of the world should accept. Not exactly. Prayer is consciously "speaking" to God, if only in your thoughts. I know that I'm not an atheist, because there are times that I pray. And strongly I feel two things: 1. That I have a imaginary friend, one that knows my hopes and fears to make us better Mouseketeers. This gives me aid, comfort, and I never feel alone. 2. That I'm talking to myself. To me, if God exists, he's not a deity up in "Heaven" somewhere. It is within me. Not an omniscient, omnipotent being, but a spirit within myself and acting on my behalf because it is part of me. Perhaps my "soul" is God. Perhaps my God is my own subconscious and through interaction with it, I can achieve enlightenment. Perhaps I am God to myself. Perhaps. As an agnostic, I can imagine and believe. But I cannot know if God exists or what he expects from us if he does. Can I go with what my conscience (and my sub-conscience) tells me? You bet. It's how I order my life. Do I demand that you accept this mythological belief. Not a chance. It's mine.
presumably i am not allowed to ask questions about this creator, who created him, where he came from, whats is his motivation, or if he even requires a creator or always existed, because asking these questions would remind us that his existence is far complex than his non-existence. it always annoys me how eager people are to say that everything that exists requires a creator, then they conveniently forget that the creator they are describing does not play by the rules they just expressed and requires no creator.
Have a good day, bro. I'm gotta get back to congratulating myself about my meaningless, stupid magical life. :lol: You're a piece of work, martin.
As someone who does have faith in our Lord, and does believe in an omni present being, this is about the most open approach I could ever hope for from someone who has your beliefs.
I share almost every word of that, FWIW. I guess my ammendment would be - I'm more of the notion that God is not just in me, but connected to everything. My conception is my own, but I'm not disconnected from others, whether they are athiests, agnostics, or fundamentalists. Also, I don't think I am God myself - because God help everyone around me if I did....I'm already a bit much to take as it is...
you are like the characters in avatar, with the new age "living things are connected" nonsense. only you are not a cartoon directed by james cameron and should expect better from yourself. maybe you can use this connecting "force" to improve your lightsaber skills or mentally throw a battle droid.