Does Congress Feel Americans Pain

Discussion in 'Free Speech Alley' started by Sourdoughman, Jan 17, 2010.


    PURPLE TIGER HOPE is not a strategy!

    In my opinion, I don't believe any Olympic official convinced him to attend. I believe due to his arrogance he thought he could just waltz right in and win them over with his charm and a few nicely crafted lines courtesy of his teleprompters.

    At a minimum I believe Chicago would've finished no worse than second. I believe people were offended and send a clear message when they eliminated Chicago early. It seems like a similar message is spreading around this country. Will he hear it in time to save his party? Only time will tell.

    Regarding so-called man-made global warming and carbon footprints...couldn't this and the Denmark conference been handled using video-teleconferencing? It wouldn't have sold me on global warming but I would at least respect them for practicing what they preach. Instead it's just more of the same hypocrisy.
  2. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    We have very different ideas about who has a comprehension problem, amigo.

    Then what the hell are you trying to say? You just ranted about Obama taking Air Force One on official business.

    Don't . . . don't . . . do it . . .

    Pay attention and I'll explain it again. He never told anybody that they couldn't fly their jets. He publicly commented that it was an example of corporate waste of taxpayer money. You seem to have forgotten that these failed auto corporations had just gotten billions of public bailout money.
  3. Sourdoughman

    Sourdoughman TigerFan of LSU and the Tigerman

    You were the one that brought up flying commercial not I.
    Show me where I said in this thread that a president should fly commercial.
    What the hell?
    No where have I suggested he fly commercial and you bring this up?

    Btw, I still call Air Force One over Manhatten a joy ride.
    This isn't the seventies and you don't have to fly an airplane over a city to take a picture, that is what photo shop is for.
    You could always use a painting also, that would be nice.
    I'm trying to say if leaders on the left thought man really believed in man made global warming they would care about their carbon footprint.

    I still don't think any president has a right to tell a citizen or company how to live their lives.
    That happens in socialist, communist countries.
    I was against all the bailouts from Bush to Obama btw so I don't agree with any of this.
  4. LSUsupaFan

    LSUsupaFan Founding Member

    I think what is clear is that you don't understand how Olympic voting works. Obama had nothing to do with Chicago's early exit.

    It was all about match ups. Continents vote in blocks becasue of the economic impact of Olymoic games. North America has far fewer votes than the other continents. With Rio being a real contender the South American votes which normally fall to North American cities, and North America depends on, did not come our way.

    That was the one and only reason we did not get the games. Take Rio out of the picture and Chicago won in a landslide.
  5. SabanFan

    SabanFan The voice of reason

    No, but now Americans are bringing the pain to them.

    PURPLE TIGER HOPE is not a strategy!

    I and many others don't agree with you but let's just say you're absolutely correct. If this is true and was so obvious then it just makes Obama look stupid for even going there if forces were aligned against us.

    Regardless his influence had NO positive impact on the decision.
  7. LSUsupaFan

    LSUsupaFan Founding Member

    Well you are still reaching. Chicago picked up several votes from Western Europe, Asia, and Africa that traditionally have not gone to America. I think it is likely Obama did garner us some additional support just not enough to overcome the loss of the South American votes.

    What I fail to understand is why Republicans and independent conservatives make such a big deal over this. It doesn't matter. Obama is screwing up lots of important things. Yet some invented slight by the world is a rallying cry.
  8. Sourdoughman

    Sourdoughman TigerFan of LSU and the Tigerman

    I have already said it countless times in this thread.
    At some point the people, leaders who believe in man made global warming should set the example and reduce their carbon footprint.
    Or should it just apply to us?
    If you read this thread you will learn that I wasn't just talking about Obama.
    The thread was about Nancy Pelosi and her entourage taking 3 jets to Copenhagen, the carbon footprint left by the very same people that claim that this is real.
    I just stated that the joy ride and the trip to Copenhagen for the Olympics was another example.
    What is sad is like some stated, Copenhagen was a wasted, unnecessary trip but yet the world my end due to global warming.

    Either you agree with the ruling class in this country or you don't.
    They obviously live by different standards than we do, maybe some here are ok with that but I'm not.

    This goes without saying that Obama and dems are expecting to raise taxes in bad economic times.
    They have no problem spending money the past year like we are in an economic boom and
    people aren't suffering.

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