Does anyone esle feel like this was all planned out?

Discussion in 'The Tiger's Den' started by dothantiger, Oct 2, 2004.

  1. cadillacattack

    cadillacattack Illegitimi non carborundum est

    loss on LSU-UGA = $35k
    loss on LSU-AU = $25k
    loss on AU-UT = $35k

    loss of more Ramah-smack = priceless :hihi: :hihi: :hihi:

    I tried to warn him....... :dis:
  2. DRC

    DRC TigerNator

    LSU won the point spread on that game gomer...go back to the chicken coop with the rest of the Coots.
  3. tiger fan 2001

    tiger fan 2001 Founding Member

    Don't take anything from your team with the extra week thing. This loss was ugly. We had several tackles with gangs of LSU where the pile either stopped of started back when it looked like our guys quit or something and then you guys move the pile 3-4 yards.

    I don't kow how good you guys are but I don't know how bad we are either.
    I never bought into that OSU wet game crap and now this blow out. Ya'll beat us phisically and mentally. I never expected this to happen and I don't think Mark Richt did either.
  4. BufordDAWG

    BufordDAWG Founding Member

    Ramah is the reason I hated LSU fans until yesterday when I actually got to talk to some in person. They were all pretty cool.

    I've never heard anyone from any team or any sport talk more smack than him.

    "David Green sucks. Fred Gibson sucks. David Pollack is overrated. Nick Saban owns your azz. Saban Owns Richt. UGA's run defense got ran over by Georgia Southern for 300 yards (he said that about 200 times)."

    Ramah you are just an old fool. I guess we won't be seeing you around here for a while.

    I put up with your crap for a year.

    Payback is sweet. It's unbelievable how wrong you are about everything.

    The rest of the LSU fans have class. Let it try and rub off.
  5. Sourdoughman

    Sourdoughman TigerFan of LSU and the Tigerman

    Not everyone is like Ramah.
    He's like a left wing radical of sorts for LSU.

    I tip my hat to him because he's one hell of an LSU fan but he does go a bit off the
    edge at times.
    I for one will have to mark how many days on the calendar until his faithful return. :lol:
  6. uscpuke

    uscpuke Founding Member

    Actually Ramah won the LSU-AU guys were favored by 1.5 when he got in.
  7. SouthLink02

    SouthLink02 Founding Member

    Come on ramah...come out. ;)
  8. TwistedTiger

    TwistedTiger Founding Member

    Not a snow balls chance in Hell!!!! Every team has one, he is ours.:( :( :( :( :( :( :(
  9. lsugrad00

    lsugrad00 Founding Member

    Congrats to all the Dawg fans out there.

    LSU fans whine and complain about repect all the time but very few show respect to other teams fans, players, and coaches. You were by far the best team on the field yesterday good luck with the rest of your season. :thumb:
  10. bubbafong

    bubbafong Founding Member

    Actually I heard that Southeastern hasn't aquired one for their newly reformed football team yet. Perhaps we could donate him.

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