Do you think Oprah is racist?

Discussion in 'Free Speech Alley' started by LSUTiga, Nov 15, 2013.


Do you think Oprah is racist?

  1. Yes

    15 vote(s)
  2. No

    4 vote(s)
  1. GregLSU


    Dec 2, 2007
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    Damn people still get upset about skin color and racist comments? I get called a redneck cracker every night on Call of Duty... shit cracks me up. I don't care what color someone is... get in front of me and drive under the speed limit, or get in my way while i'm grocery shopping and i'll let you know about it, but I don't have time to hate on someone for being a certain color, i'm too busy flipping off slow drivers in front of me.
    shane0911 and LSUTiga like this.
  2. LSUTiga

    LSUTiga TF Pubic Relations

    Sep 2, 2006
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    Well duh. That's cause you know you aren't rebutting what I said. THAT was my point. You seriously think having a president on her show and standing next to one is equal? And I'm the one on drugs? lmao

    Using your logic she must like Klan members and skinheads too. I mean, she had them on her show. Think that is the same as her standing next to them the night they were inducted? Knucklehead.
  3. LSUTiga

    LSUTiga TF Pubic Relations

    Sep 2, 2006
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    Same here. I can take being called any racist shyt. It's only a person with racial issues that can't handle it. Like the Road House part when the bouncer asks, "What if he calls your mom a whore" and Swayze responds, "Is she?"

    LSUMASTERMIND Founding Member

    Nov 15, 2007
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    lol @ you talking about logic.

    you are mad at Oprah for stating the truth about old people and racism. Which mostly is true, this generation of people are less racist. Older people are more racist, so in order to move forward, you cant change them, they have to die. She didnt say whether those people are white or black, she said elderly people, which is true.

    why are you so mad at Oprah, the truth? or some deep down inside of you that you cant reconcile within yourself?

    Or maybe you are mad about what she said about Obama facing racism?
    let me assume yu dont think its true or its not a big deal huh.

    Last edited: Nov 20, 2013
  5. Cajun Sensation

    Cajun Sensation I'm kind of a big deal Staff Member

    Dec 4, 2006
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    Here's what I don't get....and @LSUMASTERMIND you are a perfect example. Black people who speak out against racism, etc but also speak out against gays.

    I have no idea if your stance on gays has evolved, but I remember you specifically speaking out against gay marriage, etc.
  6. shane0911

    shane0911 Helping lost idiots find their village

    Jan 11, 2005
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    I found what I am getting @lsutiga for Christmas. Watch your doorstep bud the FedEx guy should be there any day now Screenshot_2013-11-20-10-24-33-1.png
    Tiger in NC likes this.

    LSUMASTERMIND Founding Member

    Nov 15, 2007
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    what is it that you're missing?

    are you equating a race to a sexual orientation? I was born black, but i dont believe people are born gay, excuse me if thats ignorant to some, but where are the facts on this?

    my opinion is your premise is faulty. Its not the same in my mind. But im not against gay marriage or the sense of gay couples getting the same benefits as hetero couples. If your asking me If Im for 2 men standing at the pulpit in my church exchanging vows, yes Im against that. If 2 people want to enter a legal contract in a state that says they are married and are entitled to all the benefits of any married couple, no im not against that.
  8. LSUTiga

    LSUTiga TF Pubic Relations

    Sep 2, 2006
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    Oprah is the one "mad" for people saying what's "true". You're steering clear from what I pointed out- which shot your ass down btw.The thing about the skinhead, knucklehead.

    See my earlier comment about not having it both ways.

    That's what "yall" do. Someone starts making sense and you play the race card, as she did. You're trying to make me uncomfortable (with unsubstantiated accusations, I might add) so I'll cave in. It may work for someone who's racist but I'm not so I'm not intimidated. One of the persons I hold dearest in my life is a black man. I tell 3 of his 10 sons (who I often have coffee with) that he views ME as one of his sons as much as he does them. He's helped me through many many tough times when I was coming up. Oh and he and I have used the word nigger between us in different scenarios. It (or any other racial things) just never phased us.

    You said something earlier about someone using that word around you being a problem but that's where you'r wrong. See, it's when whites DO feel comfortable using it around you (or any blacks) that we'll have reached where we need to be. Think about that, I think you'll understand what I mean.

    Me mad? Hell, I've never been happier during his time in office. You should be mad cause as long as people use race as a crutch for incompetence it sends the same message to the next generations.

    Obama is a phucking zero. He'd be a zero whether he were dipped in 14 kt. gold. Nothing is happening to him that hasn't happened to other incompetent presidents (though he's definintely the worst). Only difference is they were white so they didn't play the race card like fat azz did. She'd like to believe it's because he's black that he's being exposed for incompetence rather than the fact that he's just a clueless, no-leadership, brother who sold the public on lies that he's not delivered- not to mention the lies he's piled on after and still doing so.

    He's an arrogant prick and he's in way over his head. His credibility is ruined, his numbers are at an all time low, his "plan" is about to crumble. He could change this by being honest and humble. His race though, he can't change that so let's focus on the one thing he can't change.

    Sounds to me like you're the one who's mad.
    Last edited: Nov 20, 2013
  9. LSUTiga

    LSUTiga TF Pubic Relations

    Sep 2, 2006
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    Ha, you no good rat bastard. ;)
  10. LSUTiga

    LSUTiga TF Pubic Relations

    Sep 2, 2006
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    Make up your phucking mind. Either you're against it...or not. Sounds to me like you like to have a lot of things both ways.

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