Do you #standwithahmed?

Discussion in 'Free Speech Alley' started by StaceyO, Sep 17, 2015.

  1. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    So what? Mindless muslim bashing is your politics, not mine. I have ignored your numerous odd notions for a long time.

    A flat-out lie. Obama has invited hundreds of people to the White House, kids included, most of whom are not muslim.

    You made that up, too. You have lost your mojo somewhere.
  2. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    I wouldn't bet on that.
  3. Bengal B

    Bengal B Founding Member

    Sep 5, 2002
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    That's because MM is far more perceptive than you
  4. tigerchick46

    tigerchick46 Quick Learner

    Nov 2, 2011
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    Reminds me of the old saying every time someone says, "you sure drink a lot" I say, "not really, I only drink when I'm alone or with someone" :)
    shane0911 likes this.
  5. shane0911

    shane0911 Helping lost idiots find their village

    Jan 11, 2005
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    You break out that Bourbon and milk abomination and you will certainly be on your own. Now a milk stout or two are fine if you want a heavy beer, not really my style but I have one now and again
  6. Jmg

    Jmg Veteran Member

    Oct 1, 2015
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    You can't really accuse people of lying when they are speculating on the motives of others. When I speculate that Obama is advancing a particular narrative, if I am wrong, it is not a lie, I am simply wrong. But I am not.

    Anti Christian stuff is allowed in modern society. I know, I am the worlds king champion of this. My liberal friends enjoy it. If I say the same exact things about Muslims, my liberal friends cringe. People are terrified of being anti-minority. This is why this made the news. This is why every lefty loudly announced they are with Ahmed.

    I know you realize this story is not newsworthy if the kid was white. Obama never hears about it at all.

    This another example of a time when you agree with me and don't admit it.
  7. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    If I can show that your statement does not jibe with the facts of who Obama invites and if Obama has not said what you say he is trying to do, then you are making it up as you go. Therefore lying. But I will accept that you are simply wrong.

    I don't give a shit about being anti-minority and you know it. I am arguing about sheeple foolishly conflating an immature kids project with some great muslim conspiracy.

    No the story is newsworthy because it was yet another example of police misconduct, this time with a child. If the kid had not been muslim, none of the right-wing ideologues would be trying to spin it into an insidious muslim plot. Or in your case a simple opportunity to mock and jeer people you disapprove of. Have you not outgrown this yet?

    I speak my mind very clearly and do not need an obfuscator, thank you.
  8. Jmg

    Jmg Veteran Member

    Oct 1, 2015
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    You seem willing to accept that the right has an agenda, but never that the left does anything to combat this agenda. Obama, by inviting the kid to the whitehouse, and zuckerberg, and Twitter and microsoft, they are all involved because they want to combat the right wing anti Muslims. But you maintain that the left is just neutral about this kid being Islamic, and just by chance they have these loud opinions?
  9. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    No, I maintain that I am neutral. I don't give a shit about right-wingers hating on muslims and I don't give a shit about leftists defending human rights. That's the windmill you want to tilt against, Don Quixote. I am a pragmatist, concerned here with absurd demagoguery over a simple matter of child's play.
  10. Jmg

    Jmg Veteran Member

    Oct 1, 2015
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    I see. I do not see why you are neutral, as Islam, like Christianity, is a bunch of lies. Islamaphobia, like chistianphobia, is sensible. Islam is terrible and is essentially the cause of the European refugee crisis, which is the worst refugee situation since World War Two.

    People should stand for something, like reality and science and reason. And they should oppose Islam, which is probably of the worlds greatest force for oppression of women and free speech and gay people and western liberal thought.

    So when a Muslim kid acts like a kid, we do not really need to invite him to the White House because he has the talent to operate a screwdriver and remove a clock from a box and pretend he made a clock.

    It's not hard to make a clock if one of the parts you are using to make it is a clock.
    Winston1 and Bengal B like this.

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