Do you disagree with any of this?

Discussion in 'Free Speech Alley' started by Cajun Sensation, Nov 8, 2012.

  1. Winston1

    Winston1 Founding Member

    You always try to avoid any share of the blame Red....Why? Are you saying nothing I posted is true? Don't boomers have a share of the mess we live in today? Or are you, like so many others in total self absorbsion and denial? I see you only making debating points and attacking individual comments rather than furthering the sense of the discussion. Are you afraid of where it will lead??
    Tiger in NC likes this.
  2. LSUsupaFan

    LSUsupaFan Founding Member

    Only tagently related, but does anybody else hate working with baby boomers?

    They seem to place value in the wrong things. To them doing a good job is showing up on time, never taking a long lunch, never leaving early, and having a tidy desk at the end of the day.

    When I worked for the coffee company (worst year of my life) the accounting manager who reported to me complained about every policy I wrote, and every process I changed. He didn't care that the processes I put in place were more efficient. All he could understand was effectiveness, and the ones he had been using for thirty years were effective. When I re-designed the close process I tried to have him flow out the current process so I could see what needed to be changed. He didn't want to take part in a "coloring assignment." I had a staff accountant do the flow. I cut the month end close cycle time frame by three days, and the new process was much less stressful for everyone and was better controlled. The old fart complained about not having time to do some arcane task. I told him he didn't need to do that task because it wasn't necessary in the new process. I told him discontinuing these old, unnecessary, manual tasks was part of the reason we were able to cut three days out of the close process, and to reference his flow, and the accompanying policy statements for his responsibilities, and his risk matrix so he could see that all necessary controls were in place.

    The same guy gave one of the staff accountants a poor performance rating because she wasn't dependable. I had never had a problem with her work, so I asked him about the rating. He explained that she wasn't doing some sort of reconciliation that he wanted her to do. I got out my process flow and the policy statements for that process. This reconciliation was something I had cut out when I changed the process. I showed him that the staff accountant didn't need to do the reconciliation, that an automated job did it, and that I got a daily error report if there were unreconciled items. I then showed him the binder where I kept the reports and the resolutions. He was pissed. After I left they promoted the staff accountant to my old job and he got left the company because he had been passed over for promotion twice.

    I also had a number of clients of that same age that had his disposition. Several of the employees I worked with at the state job were the same way, but I couldn't tell if it was because they were of that age, or if it was because they were civil servants.

    Give me a millennial any day of the week. They have a better understanding of processes, are more eager for increased responsibility, and are more adapt to change. I think once they are running the show the country will be much better off.
    Tiger in NC likes this.
  3. tirk

    tirk im the lyrical jessie james

    That's just the nature of age. Your parents are the same way. At least mine are.
  4. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Sure. But NC pretends that everything is the Boomers fault, even when it isn't. It's stereotyping at its worst. There is no fucking' way you can paint 75 million people with such a broad brush.

    It's a debate, dude. I argue one side of it. I attack weak points, bullshit facts, and point out hypocrisy. Have you known me to be afraid of anything? How am I not "furthering the discussion"? Just because I disagree with you? Get real.
  5. LSUpride123

    LSUpride123 PureBlood

    You paint repubes like that all the time Red.

    Come on now. You are better than this.
  6. Winston1

    Winston1 Founding Member

    When he is defending a point Pride he isn't. Winning his point is more important than being reasonable.
  7. tirk

    tirk im the lyrical jessie james

    I like debate but my goal in one is to find the truth. Too many want a victory by nonsense and aren't trying learn or evolve their stance. Especially in these political debates. I don't enjoy that and find it senseless.

    I do think Winston seeks truth which I do respect bc I try to constantly evolve my own position regardless the subject.
  8. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Not all the time. I do so today because the GOP has lost its mind in its lemming-like march over the far right cliff. But I have voted for and supported many republicans in the past when they were more pragmatic. And the pendulum always swings back in its search for equilibrium. The Republicans inevitably will move back towards the center as the Democrats did after the left-wing disasters that that were Mondale, Ted Kennedy and Dukakis in the 1980's.

    Winston is nothing if not perceptive. I am quite reasonable in a reasonable discussion on a reasonable topic with a reasonable person.

    But debate is a blood sport. In a debate, I am ruthlessly focused on promoting a position and demolishing contrary positions. If I ever concede a point in a debate, then I'm trying to sucker you into an ambush. :D
    Winston1 likes this.
  9. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    These are often mutually exclusive goals, amigo. Few debates end in one side conceding to the other, but the best ones end in both sides finding some common ground.

    My positions evolve constantly and without regard to debates. Honestly, around here I could swap sides at any time and argue the other side effectively and with equal enthusiasm.

    And I am frequently amused at how few realize just how much I play the devils advocate here. This is a conservative forum and without a voice for the other side we would have little to debate. It is not at all unusual for me to argue a liberal point here and then argue the conservative point on the same topic with my very liberal colleagues at the university. In fact the exercise hones my skill in both venues.

    I sometimes get great talking points and discover blind alleys to avoid by working the other angle in another debate.
    Winston1 likes this.
  10. tirk

    tirk im the lyrical jessie james

    Right but if you are seeking truth you debunk your side as fervently. Most never do that publicly and if you don't concede points it becomes pointless. Although its entertaining at times. I think some evolve their stance yet never give ground. I find it more effective when one concedes they actually learned something from other side. It shows you actually seek truth and aren't arguing atop an empty mountain. I just made that up and not sure what it means.

    To be fair, I don't have the patience for politics, but I do enjoy reading legitimately open minded discussions. They just rarely happen.
    LSUpride123 likes this.

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