Mancha, I agree that she isn't the belle of the ball and I also concur that she can be very condescending and patronizing but the basic premise of what she said is true. You are correct that not all Republicans buy into some of the craziness that spews from the right wing of their party and the very same can be said of the a certain portion of the Democrats. That said, the Republicans have taken crazy to an all new height, especially during the course of this election. Unfortunately for them they were powerless to stop these crazy MFer's from saying things like, "a legitimate rape," because their voting coalition was so poorly designed that they learned much too late that they could not call out the crazy voices for risk of losing voters. Until the Republican party decides to make a turn back toward the center I will do my best to call out their lies and craziness at every turn because the task of governing the most powerful nation on earth and the free world is a serious job that requires serious people who listen to the facts, who seek the truth and who understand the consequences of their decisions.
It will be a week before I can watch it. Go read about the guys I mentioned before and how government spending policy works to manage the economy and stop caring what cable news says. Keynesian spending doesn't work, and there are rational reasons why at are not discussed on infantile ratings driven idiot tv.
You mean facts like Republicans were going to outlaw birth control and want women to work for slave wages? There was little factual in the Democratic campaign. You just think its factual because it is what you wanted oto hear. Agree with all of this. The Greatest Generation sure screwed the pooch on raising equally responsible kids. Far too many of my parents friends are still working while my parents have been retired for 10 years. Somebody had to make up for the overt bias from virtually every other major media outlet. I cared little for Romney and saw him as Obama lite, but it cannot be objectively denied that most major networks presented him in a negative light more often than not, justificable or not. He got slammed for calling Benghazi a terrorist attack from day one, and he was right. Hardly a peep about Obama's many Benghazi flubs.
Yes so extreme right that he voted for TARP. If you think Ryan was from the extreme right you don't understand the political spectrum.
Bill maher is someone I don't agree with. Maddow is a hack, there is a huge difference. Also I hope the clip above is where Gillespie is asking maddow about romney care which maher favors but maddow can't answer because she is a hack. It might not be I can't watch it.