1. H-Rod pronounced herself "deeply disturbed" about the NSA wire taps. Did she forget that it was her own hubby who signed into law the Communications Assistance for Law Enforcement Act of 1994, after it was passed in both the House and Senate by a voice vote. That law is an act "to make clear a telecommunications carrier's duty to cooperate in the interception of communications for law enforcement purposes, and for other purposes." I'd say fighting terrorism is enough cause for this.
    And guess who voted for this law as well; none other than the Liberal Lion Ted Kennedy who called the current the program "abusive" and said "Today's shocking disclosures make it more important than ever for the Republican Congress to end its complicity in the White House cover up of its massive domestic surveillance program. When three major telephone companies are supplying the administration with records of all Americans regardless of any hint of wrongdoing, Congress can't look the other way."
    Seems to me like Kennedy is more concerned about getting his people back in the White House more than the security of the people who put him in office.

    Ah, I smell that fresh brewed coffee and it smells like the truth! (Colbert Report is awesome)

    Yes sir I do. I see Fox News at least 5 hours a day but, I tend to look at CNN.com more than a news print. It's just the way of the future. But, I did read the Washington Post the other day and found this to be very interesting. It said the 2/3 of the population actually approve of the NSA's phone surveillance which would, if my LSU education is correct, makes you sir, not in step with the American public.


    Your sick dude. I don't roll that way. Kidding. But in all seriousness, I am 99.9% sure that the government will not call me since they know my phone number, along with my friends phone numbers. However, posting my number on this board would likely lead to the opposite result. But, if you really wanted to, you could find it on Facebook or, if you were really crazy, you could even buy them. http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&lr=&safe=off&q=buy+phone+records

    One more thing that is off topic, but while I have your attenion red, i thought you might like this little read:http://www.signonsandiego.com/news/nation/20060510-1108-monthlybudget.html
  2. I saw that, now if the Republicans in Congress would start acting like Republicans and cut government spending we could get a balanced budget and not raise the debt level like 600 trillion dollars this year.
  3. http://www.usatoday.com/news/washington/2006-05-14-nsa-reax-poll_x.htm

    Depends on the poll, I guess. Americans favored Prohibition, slavery, and child labor for a while too.
  4. I don't trust American cars, so I would go with the Protoge. Actually, given the choice of those two cars, I would take the bus.
  5. 1)Who are rogue countries afraid of?
    2)Neither does the UN and that is the problem!
    (Iraq acted up and we put them in their place in 91 and yet again
    in 2003)
    You are right we don't put all the ones who act up because we
    Our military has been downsized so much that we are stretched too thin
    and I hope it doesn't come back and bite us in the butt such as Russia, China or a middle eastern country invading the USA one day while we are in another war or country.
    Could this happen? I doubt it but who really knows what the future holds.
  6. Opinions differ, of course. The issue is controversial to say the least. Your LSU education is fine, amigo, simply incomplete. :wink:

    Poll: Most disagree with NSA phone-call database

    By Susan Page
    USA Today
    WASHINGTON -- A majority of Americans disapprove of a massive Pentagon database containing the records of billions of phone calls made by ordinary citizens, according to a USA Today/Gallup Poll. About two-thirds are concerned that the program may signal other, not-yet-disclosed efforts to gather information on the general public.

    Mama always said "be thankful for small blessings". So we'll accept this lowering of the massive deficit as a small step in the right direction, however late and inadequate it may be. This is my favorite part of the article.

    The strong gain in receipts has caused many analysts to revise their estimates for the budget deficit this year. The Congressional Budget Office last week announced it was lowering its deficit estimate for this year to $300 billion, significantly below a previous estimate of $350 billion.

    The government ran up a $319 billion deficit for the 2005 budget year, the third-highest amount of red ink in dollar terms. The record deficit was $413 billion set in 2004.

    The Bush administration will revise its own estimate of the budget deficit in midsummer. That outlook is certain to represent an improvement from the $423 billion deficit the administration had forecast in February.
  7. the reason the government made so much money is that the economy is doing so well that tax revenues were up even thought the rates are not higher. the economy grew. and that is all that matters.

    the deficit can do whatever it wants. if the people are making more income, and inflation is not high, the economy is doing well. the average person doesnt give a damn about the deficit if he is richer than he was before.

    remember, the goal is growth, NOT BALANCED BUDGETS.
  8. Red55:

    Here are the internals of the USA Today poll, taken after the Washington Post poll came out. Also linked are the Washington Post internals.



    The Washington Post asks:
    It's been reported that the National Security Agency has been collecting the phone call records of tens of millions of Americans. It then analyzes calling patterns in an effort to identify possible terrorism suspects, without listening to or recording the conversations. Would you consider this an acceptable or unacceptable way for the federal government to investigate terrorism? Do you feel that way strongly or somewhat?
    Straight to the point.

    The USA Today asks:
    2. As you may know, as part of its efforts to investigate terrorism, a federal government agency obtained records from three of the largest U.S. telephone companies in order to create a database of billions of telephone numbers dialed by Americans. How closely have you been following the news about this? 3. Based on what you have heard or read about this program to collect phone records, would you say you approve or disapprove of this government program?
    This includes about 30% who didn't even follow the story well enough.

    4. Is that mainly because you do not think the program seriously violates Americans’ civil liberties, (or is it mainly because) you think investigating terrorism is the more important goal, even if it violates some Americans’ civil liberties?
    It doesn't violate anything!

    I think the USA Today was trying to save face.

    This is fun. :hihi:

    One more poll question for red55 and anyone else:
    President Bush; Great President, or the Greatest President?
  9. Here is another article by Maureen Farrell.
    This one not so funny!
    Could this happen to America?

    I like GW but how could anyone ever think he was close to being the greatest
    president or even close?:dis:
    It is actually too early to tell but the way things are going it aint lookin good.
    If he could actually get some things accomplished such as immigration, social
    security reform and protect the borders he might then be considered.
    I actually don't think we've had a "good" president since Ronald Reagan but
    thats my humble opinion, my 2 cents worth.