1. No, sir, we were not. We were laughed at. We were not respected. If you don't believe me, ask someone else that traveled during those years. They'll tell you the same.

    Now we are hated and feared. Fear is a form of respect. I'll take fear anyday over laughing stock.
  2. You are being delusional. The world does not fear us. They are laughing at Bush's failed foreign policy. Putin's state of Russia speech made several jabs at the US. I work with alot of international folks, and the rest of the world thinks we are stupid for re-electing Bush after he did such a miserable job in his first term. I don't know where you get this notion that the rest of the world is afraid of America when they are screaming more loudly than ever about our actions.
  3. why wouldnt they be afraid of us? we are willing to fight wars even when the world hates us for it. we are willing to take action when the UN refuses. even if you disagree with how smart it is, you have to agree that the us is not afraid to go across the world and start killing people. who is to be feared more than us? everyone else is a coward compared to us.

    i agree with salty. people might have liked america more under clinton. but who cares. i would rather they fear us. i would rather a rogue country realize that if they act up, we are not afraid to kill their leaders and force them to reform. nothing is more important than this right now, and that is why no matter what else bush does on any other issues, he is a good president.
  4. But rogue countrys are not afraid of us. See Iran and South Korea. We don't put the ones who act up in line.
  5. if we said to iran, "ok, stop actin' up or we will invade by next weekend", they would believe us. they realize, for instance, that if they openly support terrorists, it is only a matter of time before we invade.

    and iraq certainly was acting up. invading and taking over kuwait counts as acting up. nobody will try anything like that with us playing the role we do now on the world stage.

    south korea?
  6. He was acquitted, did you forget?

    Well, a conservative protest march is truly a pitiful thing, for sure. No, the conservative witch-hunt on Bill Clinton was conducted in the Republican Congres on Capitol Hill. The right wing rank and file protests too--big time. They have their own style, to be sure, but they dissent all of the time and they are not subtle.

    The anti-abortion right-wing has loud protest marches all of the time including on the Capitol steps and in front of Clinton's White House. Some have actually have bombed clinics and assasinated doctors. The Olympic bomber was a right-wing protester as was Timothy McVeigh. The conservative militia's and survivalists shoot it out with the law and the FBI all of the time. Perhaps you are correct, you really can't compare right-wing and left-wing protests.

    The right-wing even protests against Bush! Conservatives led the way in killing the Harriet Myers nomination by their protests.

    Well, there you have it! You were with everyone in the world! How could anybody possibly have a different opinion than you, amigo? :yelwink2:

    Sure Salty, all of the moderates and liberals are homeless street beggars who've never worked and have nothing else to do but smoke dope and protest. You are being extremely facetious or you are beginning to sound like martin, which is disturbing. :grin:

    Even more disturbing, you are complaining about US citizens protesting an elected politician. This is what America is all about and it is all laid out in the Constitution, a document you spent a decade of distingushed service defending. Don't you believe in it? We are free to disagree with our President in the United States! He is not a Emperor or a Fuhrer who can't be challenged. Political dissent is Constitutionally protected in this country from Day One.
  7. These things are not mutually exclusive, obviously. This is a terribly simplistic notion.

    Look, America is feared anyway, has been since WWII, even our allies fear us. But there was a time that the US was also feared, respected, and admired. Now we are widely feared, hated, and loathed. Even our closest allies fear, distrust, and often disregard us. This is not a good thing.

    Bush has dragged the good name of this country through the mud for no gain that I can see. America was once the leader of the free world, but our leadership skills have been sadly lacking since 2000. The decrease in respect and admiration is immense and not even the Brits are going to follow us blindly anymore. At least not until some changes are made and some bridges rebuilt.
  8. Inavsion is not an option in Iran. We do not have the capability at present. Any war with Iran is going to be on our terms--airpower and SOF intensive like in Afghanistan and Yugoslavia. We would hit them hard and destroy their command and communications and then their mlitary assets and eventually their industrial capacity. And they will give in.

    Vietnam taught us a long time ago that we don't win by invasion and occupation. Bush forgot it but now Iraq has taught us all again that we must conduct war by our rules, not the enemy's. A ground invasion of Iran is immensly foolish. What would it gain us? Another Iraq. They don't have a thing that we need. If they need to be punished, intimidated, or forced to back down we can do it with airpower easily and effectively.

    And remember we brought down a rival superpower without a war by patiently taking advantage of their every weakness. And Iran has plenty more faults than the Soviet Union did.
  9. North Korea. Oops
  10. I naturally agree with Salty and Martin here.
    Lack leadership since 2000?
    Try since the end of the Reagan era if you ask me.
    Bush 41 wasn't very good and neither has anyone since then.
    At least Bush 41 was able to enable a coalition to push Saddam back.
    We were attacked during the Clinton years and nothing seemed to happen
    to defend America.
    93 World Trade Center, Somolia, American Embassies overseas and The Cole.
    No wonder Al Quada attacked us on 9/11, we showed a sign of weakness.
    Now I know Red will come on here and say Clinton did this and that but what
    little Clinton did to defend America from terrrorism was next to nothing.
    We didn't even shut down their camps in Afghanistan.:thumb:
    PS: Let me rephrase this, whatever slick willie did wasn't slick enough to stop the terrorists from attacking
    our people or our homeland!:hihi: :grin: :lol: :rofl: :yelwink2: :usaflagwa
    Just pickin at U Red