Do you care that the government tracks your phone calls?

Discussion in 'Free Speech Alley' started by Rex, May 11, 2006.

  1. saltyone

    saltyone So Mote It Be

    Dec 21, 2004
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    Hey, I thought it was funny. So much for humor.
  2. LSUDeek

    LSUDeek All That She Wants...

    Dec 8, 2003
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    This conservative is about to go out and buy a honda hybrid. He likes things that are cost effective. :grin:
  3. saltyone

    saltyone So Mote It Be

    Dec 21, 2004
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    At least let JS put a supercharger on it for ya. :thumb:
  4. Ch0sn0ne

    Ch0sn0ne At the Track

    Oct 25, 2002
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    How hard was it to "endure" a booming economy?
  5. saltyone

    saltyone So Mote It Be

    Dec 21, 2004
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    You tell me. It seems to be "booming" as we speak. The economy argument really is childish. Come on, you can do better than that. I was in the Corps during all of the clinton years. The economy wasn't what we were enduring.
  6. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    What a load of manure. The conservatives bitched loud and long during the Clinton years. Limbaugh alone made his career on Clinton bashing and has dropped in influence big time since he has no democrat in office to bash.

    Republicans trumped up the Whitewater allegations and pursued them for 8 years trying to undo the results of two national elections. They failed. Then they allowed the Whitewater prosecutor to shift over to investigating the Lewinsky affair to try to find something to hang on Clinton.

    Then they tried to impeach him! Which failed, of course. You don't help your credibility by trying to rewrite history. We were all around and we know that the republicans are no different when they are out of office than the democrats. The notion that the republicans sat quietly and let Clinton govern is absolute and utter nonsense.
  7. saltyone

    saltyone So Mote It Be

    Dec 21, 2004
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    He was impeached. So, you stop trying to rewrite history my friend. Remind me again, how many demonstrations did we have at the capital demanding that clinton be removed from office? You cannont compare the actions of the left to Bush with our very tame behavior toward clinton.

    Clinton was a scumbag. Still is. Hell, everyone in the world was laughing at us. Trust me, I was there. Now everyone in the world hates us. It's because they know that Bush isn't a complete tool like clinton was. We are back to being a world power, instead of canada south.

    Come on red, you know that the clinton years, and the actions of the right, are not comparable to to the left's. The biggest reason you can't compare the two is because we, the right wing conservatives, all have jobs and don't have the time to go out and protest. We wouldn't waste our time even if we did.
  8. LSUsupaFan

    LSUsupaFan Founding Member

    Feb 20, 2003
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    Yes, he was impeached ant the impeachment failed, because getting a blow job in the oval office isn't a high crime against the state.

    Do you ever see the way Bush is portrayed by the foreing media. The words buffoon and bumbling are used frequently. It sounds alot how the Springfield news describrs Homer Simpson. America was by far more respected under Clinto.

    As much as I hate hippies and leftest, the neo-cons are just as bad. Rightists hold all kinds of demonstrations all the time, and will protest the government whenever the democrats take over and screwup.
  9. Sourdoughman

    Sourdoughman TigerFan of LSU and the Tigerman

    Oct 11, 2003
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    do daa do daa day.....................
    I'm not so sure about Rush's influence dropping because he has no democrat
    to bash, certainly wouldn't bet on that!
    Actually Rush has bashed democrats and the Republicans in congress that happened to be conservative Democrats such as Arlen Specter and John McCain along with the weak kneed Republicans such as Lindsey Graham.
  10. Bengal Buddy

    Bengal Buddy Founding Member

    Dec 25, 2004
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    This is a bunch of bull. The only information being gathered are two phone numbers, the date of the call and the duration. Names, addresses and other personal information is not gathered. So please stop screaming that the sky is falling. Personally, I would have gotten a warrant, but not for legal reasons. I think it would have been more effective. Some companies that have refused to cooperate would not have refused if there had been a warrant. But in at least this matter, I think Bush is on solid legal ground.

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