Personally, I dislike the crowd cheers with the profanity in them. It shows little class. I am also opposed to them religiously. But the legal question is "are they protected by constitutional rights?". I don't think they are. The law in general protects individuals from what is obscene in the public arena (example, banned words on TV and radio). While I don't think the barnyard cheer (bull****) would be ruled obscene from a judge, I do believe yelling f@you in unison would be, especially if it is directed at a certain individual. It is the school's responsibility to keep their fans in check. Having the coaches, players, and student representatives put pressure on them is the way to start. IMHO, tossing people from games should be a last resort.
The first down cheer (kick their ass version) has been around for some time. It was there in the early 90's when I was at LSU. From what I remember being told, it had been around for at least several years before (mid to late 80's). I agree that some explectives are over the top. Yelling "" repeatedly is probably over the top in most peoples opinion. However, the problem is that everybody's version of appropriate behavior/language is different. I once got yelled at for screaming "Spurrier Sucks" while seated in the west upper deck. Remember folks, Its a football game with 92,000 rabid fans. Yell loud, yell often...
It dosen't bother me what anybody yells as long as its not over and over and I'm not sitting too near some slobering drunk whose vocabulary consists of 3 words and one of them is f*ck but there are children and other people in the stadium who find it offensive and shouldn't have to be subjected to repetetive obscenites.
Is it too much to ask to show some class or at least use some words that your mom and dad are paying for? Use your education to enlighten not show how vulger you can be. Tell you what. Next season, come visit me in section 34/35 and we can discuss it further. I would like to hear the merits of "potty-mouth" in person. I don't have a problem with the drinking or the language in most cases but when it infringes on someone else's enjoyment of the game then I put a stop to it. The main body of the student section will get away with a little more than where I am located since I'm in the sections that have students mixed with regular ticket holders. We try to keep some semblance of civility.
Did you even read my post? I'm just stating facts. I'm not advocating using bad words, nor am I saying that it's bad to use obscinities. Those are cold, hard facts. In theory, stopping the use of profanity would be nice, but in reality, it's unlikely that it will ever happen. What do you mean by, "use some words that your mom and dad or paying for?"
DO LIKE WE DO In my section we have had people thrown out. If you come in our section and are offensive and one of the season ticket holders has a problem with you then you got a problem with the season ticket holders in the general area. We all do not know everyone but we do know faces and we do know when someone new comes in and is offensive over and over. Everyone has a accident and says the F word sometimes so its not that we dont have people cussing but if you are offensive over and over someone is going to ask you to stop if you dont then somebody with a badge is going to talk to you. Now that does not mean you are gone but I do not have to listen or my kids listen to that crap and we pay good money to be there.
Well, I've got a mouth like a sailor in the student section, no doubt. I like to have fun, and I'm usually sober doing it. I'm not a religious person. I don't hold anything sacred with the exception of childhood. Usually when there are children around I'll tell my friends to not curse in front of them. But otherwise it doesn't bother me too much. Sure, there are ways to have fun without cursing, but I feel like something is missing if there's not that funny drunk kid shooting his mouth off in the corner of the student section. And yes, I like good sportsmanship, but I can be hypocritical every now and then, can't I? Just keep it in the student section. If there's a guy in the general seating piss drunk or obnoxiously foul, especially around kids, or if people complain, warn him or get him out. But then, look at what sports does to people. You even see coaches mouthing obscenities on the big screen. It's a very hard phenomenon to prevent.
I apologize...I went off on you but really should have been a general statement. It usually takes just a few people to make an impression..good or bad. When I was in school we had Washington here in my first year. My buddy I was with was really wasted and started to get really off-color with his comments. I told him to lighten it up and he did. Those of us who do care can rub off on those that don't. The few that I have asked to tone the language down now sit further down amongst the general student population out of respect for those in my section. I admire them for not taking me to task and obligeing in this manner. I also have to say sorry for the "use some of the words your mom and dad are paying for". It was a jab at using the education that is being provided to find some other way to voice opinions at the games.
No offense taken. You've got the right to ask people to stop cussing and I have no problem with that. It's pretty cool how you got some to cooperate.