My dislike for USC stems from the fact that as great of a season as LSU has had, we are still in the shadows of USC and the BCS controversy that has risen because of it. If LSU had been left out of the Sugar Bowl, none of this controversy would have happened. Why? Because USC is that much better than LSU? Please. It was because everyone had already written that Oklahoma would go to the Sugar Bowl win or lose in the Big XII title game and USC was expected to be the second team. LSU was already out of the picture, so it wouldn't have been a controversy for LSU to be left out. When Southern Cal got left out, it was a big stink and everyone got upset over it. It's that hypocracy that's got me upset. LSU accomplished no less than USC had up to that point (Many would argue we actually accomplished more than USC), but everyone was dead set that USC was better than us. The real question is whether or not people would have gotten this upset if Oklahoma had beaten Kansas State. Would it then be a crime that USC got left out? I believe it would have still been a big deal to the media, because their real belief was that LSU didn't belong. That's where my dislike for them comes from.
Hatred for another team is spurred from many different things. I never saw a law that states we had to play them many times to develop a hate for them. Come on man, you should know this.
I understand what your saying here and agree with you... But the problem is the way college football is today you would think someone from Mars designed the system as it is today. College Football is stupid, plain and simple.... The problem with college football is there is no way to get an undisputed National Champion still. Why are they called conference championship games if they mean nothing? Do teams get championship trophies from these games? This is stupid! End of Story.............
That's exactly how I feel. People say Oklahoma "didn't even win there conference." This is true, technically, but when you add that loss into their records and refigure the standings, guess what? They're still in first. Oklahoma 8-1 Texas 7-1 (and a loss to Oklahoma for a tiebreaker) Kansas State 7-2 Nebraska 5-3 Oklahoma State 5-3, and so on. Oklahoma won there conference the same way that USC won their's, overall record.
I hate Western Kentucky! Actually, I hate Florida and Oklahoma more than anyone else. I can handle Ole Miss, Auburn and Alabama (the latter two of the four can still go to hell though). I hate Florida for Spurrier and Danny "Don't make fun of my elf-like hands" Wuerffel. I hate Oklahoma because of their pompous, holier than thou, always-have-to-be-the-best-no-matter-if-they-suck-donkey-balls attitude.
They agreed and been playing by the system in place for a few years now. Now that it did'nt favor them the BCS is wrong, FUG EM! They have'nt ruined a thing for me. Their is no split. FUG THEM.:cuss: :cuss: :cuss: :cuss: :cuss: :cuss: :cuss: :cuss: :cuss:
Yeah they have and yeah I hated them then and I hate them now. The game was ushered in with MUCH fan fair and hype then. USC were prima donnas then just as now. they had fleetwood mac playing some assinine song with them during half time. it was on national TV and it Sucked, they sucked hell the whole state of California sucks! I agree with the original poster. I can hate USC if i want to and I DAMN WELL WANT TO. class dismissed.
LSU and USC have in fact played two games in my lifetime. Anyone who was there can remember the LSU-USC game in Tiger Stadium in 1979. Tough, tough loss - maybe the toughest I have experienced. Then during the Hilliard-James years LSU went to the Coliseum and beat USC, which was at the beginning of a long downward spiral