difference between conservatives and democrats

Discussion in 'Free Speech Alley' started by gyver, Jul 5, 2012.

  1. Atreus21

    Atreus21 Founding Member

    Irrespective of party affiliation, the government has shown to care very little for how much tax revenue it takes in with respect to how it affects spending. This isn't a problem with the government taking in too little. It's a problem with government not knowing the meaning of the term fiscal discipline.

    If we were running smaller yearly deficits I might agree. But a trillion dollars per fiscal year? That's not a revenue problem.

    Eliminating The Bush tax cuts, according to this source:


    ...would've allowed the government to pay for this year's deficit with 10 years of revenue.
  2. tigerchick46

    tigerchick46 Quick Learner

    The bandwidth allowed for Tigerfan probably prohibits me from listing them all……but off the top of my head.


    Programs for Women, Disabled (which it doesn’t take much to be labeled disabled) and minorites:

    Business Grants, College Grants, Federal Grants, Grants for writing Grants, Housing Grants, Personal Grants, Small Business Grants. Indian Children Grants.

    Community Food and Nutrition Programs (another form of Food Stamps), Food Stamp Programs, Head Start/Early Head Start Programs, Commodity Supplemental Food Program, Emergency Food Assistance Program, Special Milk Program, Summer food Service Program, Homeless Per Diem Program, Mortgage Assistance Program for the poor……….

    One question:

    1. Are these programs paid for with Tax money? Please check Yes or No
  3. LSUsupaFan

    LSUsupaFan Founding Member

    One, I had already presented the evidence in the form of CBO effective tax rate tables. You obviously didn't review it, or you would not have asked the question. Two, I really could not have answered the question. It was complete nonsense. It was like you had asked me how the sky was blue when the moon is not made of green cheese.

    Bro, I made my assertions, and offered the names of the works I used as my basis. You asked questions that were not based in actual history, but on popular legends. You were getting basic facts wrong. I reccomended you read some of the works. You were arguing and making claims with a faulty premise. You got mad when I told you that.

    I'm sorry. I don't see that as underhanded.

    No you never do that.
    Glass houses, stones, etc.
    martin and LSUpride123 like this.
  4. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Sure it is. Revenue must equal spending in an ideal situation. The politicians are to blame for sure. They need to put it to us in clear terms. We canenjoy life as we have known it in America . . . the parks, the highways, the Superpower status, military supremacy, the biggest economy in the world, a lifestyle unequalled and the envy of the world . . . but we must pay more for it.

    Otherwise, if we prefer to hoard just a little more money for ourselves, we must lose parks, watch highways crumble, lose or sit out wars for lack of military power, and take a back seat to China.

    America has too much private and corporate money sitting on the sidelines that is badly needed by the country if we hope to maintain the American Way. We can easily afford higher taxes to get what we want.

    Faced with a choice of paying more to keep the status quo or paying less and watch it all decline and fall, I think The People will chose to pay more taxes as well as cut some excesses. In Rome, life was superior and power was unequalled when they were all in it together. But when it became every man for himself, Rome fell.

    You are preaching to the choir. The Bush tax cuts have cost this country a great deal.
  5. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Is it possible that you don't understand that tax money does not go from you to somebody else but to the nation as a whole? Everybody pays in and everybody's gets something back in some fashion. If you don't like the programs that Congress funds, then vote them out.
  6. LSUsupaFan

    LSUsupaFan Founding Member

    No he is saying the "lost revenue" from 10 years of the Bush tax cuts combined would have paid for this current years budget deficit. And that is holding all things equal and assuming economic growth, employment, etc had been the same in spite of the higher rates.
  7. Atreus21

    Atreus21 Founding Member

    Private and corporate money is wiser spent by private and corporate interests than governmental agencies. I'd be much more careful and efficient with spending my own money than with spending someone else's. We pay plenty enough taxes as it is to support parks, highways, the military, and the highest standard of living.

    I don't think you understood my point. The Bush tax cuts cost us in 10 years what government spending cost us in 1. We don't need more taxes when government can't seem to go a year without going $900 billion in the red.

    It's like what I said earlier. It's not like the government is slightly overshooting its revenue, as if it's trying to work within its income. It consistently blasts past its income. Blows it out of the water. This is not the kind of entity that I think ought to be granted more money.
    LSUsupaFan likes this.
  8. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Try to understand that people do not always comprehend and agree with what you were trying to say, so questions were asked. But you do not bother to explain or answer. You simply repeat your assertion, as if that was sufficient, and then just bail out.

    According to you. Again, when you don't approve of a question, you huff and puff and bail out claiming superiority.

    No, I have never done that. In three of your examples, I responded with a clear explanation or an answer to the contrary. In none did I refuse to discuss the matter, stating that I knew more than the other. In none did I accuse anyone of asking a stupid question.

    In the missive to martin, if you had known the context, I had simply cut and pasted an earlier martin remark and replaced his issue with mine. Fire with fire, you know. It was an inside joke, dude. As far as glass houses, none of the insults that martin and I trade should be taken seriously. We're just having some fun.

    If you were still any fun, I wouldn't ignore you. But I do not enjoy this recent practice of declaring checkmate via innate secret knowledge. And to end this and to keep from boring everybody any further I will stop ignoring you. Just answer the damn questions if you expect the same.
  9. tigerchick46

    tigerchick46 Quick Learner

    I'll be happy to answer your question, the way I understand it we pay taxes and it goes into a big ole fund.....which is then distributed to sources we both listed, alot of which is given to people who pay very little or no tax because they have no income, all they do is consume tax money. With this I disagree that "everybody pays" however we all consume. My problem is I think there are too many Gov't handout programs that are far to easily accessed by people who spend more effort manipulating the system to gain access to these funds, where they could easily exert their efforts to getting a job or contributing to our country. Furthermore, I will try and do my part to vote out this current administration that appears to be fueling this mentality of "let your Gov't take care of you" when I feel it's the wealthy/hard working who's providing most of the resources for this to happen. I just don't know who I will be supporting, noone impresses me......but anyone would be better than the current.

    Now, once again, I've answered your question. The programs I listed in my prior post are these funded with Tax Money? It's simple, check yes or no please.
  10. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    But they can't wage war, conduct diplomacy, regulate commerce, build roads and parks, provide social security or medicare. Apples and oranges.

    Clearly not, or we wouldn't be posting deficits. The Big three are going to have to be cut severely or taxes will have to be raised. There is no third route.

    But it is still $1.5 Trillion! More lost revenue than "Obamacare" expenses over ten years.

    I was being sarcastic, sorry if it wasn't apparent. We really need a sarcasm emoticon.

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