difference between conservatives and democrats

Discussion in 'Free Speech Alley' started by gyver, Jul 5, 2012.

  1. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    I ignore certain posters.

    Nobody denies them that right. Why do you think that have a special right to tax advantages?

    People on government assistance will never be able to contribute much to reducing our debt. Why in the world would you try to raise the money by taxing people with no money? How perfectly ridiculous. A nation runs on taxes and the people with most of the money owe most of the taxes.

    Based on what? Republicans always think that they can get something for nothing.
  2. LSUsupaFan

    LSUsupaFan Founding Member

    If you're scared say you're scared.
    KyleK likes this.
  3. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    I said I ignore.

    Twice recently you have refused to continue a debate citing that you were too knowledgable to answer the questions. I will not waste my time if you just bail out in this dishonest fashion when you don't like a question. Nothing personal.
  4. tigerchick46

    tigerchick46 Quick Learner

    The only "advantage" I'm aware of is having to give a larger percentage of your income to someone else.

    You may have missed my point, which was to get people off of government assistance, unless they TRULY need it (I firmly believe some do), get a job, pay taxes which would contribute to our country.......

    I find it interesting that I never mentioned Republicans or Democrats, I don't consider myself to be either.......however, I do see more Democrats fighting for programs that stand for giving something for nothing, not even debatable.
  5. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Taxes don't give your income to someone else, it goes to the government to pay for security, stable commerce, roads, bridges, police, firemen, etc. etc.

    I see your point and everybody agrees with you that the lazy should get off their butts and go to work. But that is not relevant to the rich getting tax breaks. Most of the people in the country getting government assistance are: retirees, the disabled, veterans, students, dependent children, and the working poor. The homeless bums that we see panhandling, are not getting any welfare or government housing because they don't qualify. And they comprise 7 tenths of one percent of the population. Insignificant in the big picture.

    Oh, it is indeed debatable. I'm an independent myself, but I can see that the Republicans who cut taxes while raising spending are irresponsible and seem to expect something for nothing. The democrats do fight for programs that help the disadvantaged, but it is a myth that these people are all lazy and refuse to work. Those people are few and they get nothing anyway. As mentioned above, the vast majority of people requiring assistance, are retired people, disabled people, students, veterans, dependent children, and poor people who work, but just don't make enough money to owe taxes once they utilize the standard deduction that we all use.

    We are a modern nation, a Superpower, and we don't let our indigents starve and we don't let our elderly living on low fixed incomes suffer lack of medical care or housing. No western nation does.
  6. LSUsupaFan

    LSUsupaFan Founding Member

    No dude. You asked a nonsensical question that demonstrated you did'nt know what in the hell you were talking about. I called you on it, and you got your fee fees hurt.

    My original post... (note that I also provided links to the CBO numbers that supported my statement)

    Your reply...
    To which I replied...
    The question you asked was so poor that I couldn't answer it. It was utter nonsense. You might has well have asked me the ratio of leprechauns to unicorns. To ask such a questions demonstrates you either don't know what the terminology means, or that you are question begging, burden shifting or bar raising. You really excel in all those things, but I'm not going to get sucked in.
  7. Atreus21

    Atreus21 Founding Member

    As long as this government is running $900 billion dollar deficits a year, it has no business calling for additional taxes.
  8. LSUsupaFan

    LSUsupaFan Founding Member

    Etc. etc. like farm subsidies, housing assistance, food stamps, welfare, earned income credits. and other examples of our money being given to someone else.

    But the dudes you want to punish so badly only make up 1 tenth of one percent of the population. Insignificant in the big picture.
  9. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    I asked a simple question. You could have answered it. You could have explained the terminology as you understand it and asked me to rephrase the question. You could have tried to hammer my question with evidence to the contrary. Instead you simply refused to answer because it was beneath you and instead tried to discredit me personally.

    So how do you justify bailing out on the Spanish Inquisition debate just because you had read a book that I had not? I don't mind if you are knowledgeable enough to refute my questions. But if you just resign when you don't like a question, then it is wasting my time.

    There are a number of topics around here that I am an expert on and people ask me lame questions all of the time. But I answer them instead of haughtily refusing to answer based on self-annointed superior knowledge.

    I don't think you understand how debates work.
  10. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    How else can we pay the bills? The government is living beyonds its means. It must either cut spending or raise taxes or we will never pay down the debt. Neither party has cut spending. The GOP irresponsibly cuts taxes when we need them. The Democrats try to pay for the services by raising taxes. We are a rich country in terms of personal wealth and corporate wealth. But we are starving the government of funding and have caused this deficit issue.

    We are a Superpower and cannot run cheaply. All of that political, economic, and military power costs money and it does not grow on trees.

    It is very simple. Without huge cuts in Medicare, Social Security, and Defense we will spiral downward in debt. But by making reasonable cuts AND by raising reasonable taxes, we can run surpluses again and start paying down that national debt.

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