Did Weiner tweet his weiner?

Discussion in 'Free Speech Alley' started by SabanFan, Jun 1, 2011.

  1. tirk

    tirk im the lyrical jessie james


    Bold text is from Rep. Weiner
    Normal text is from Ms. Weiss

    August 13th 2010
    it is actually you? i am trying to find the wonderful anthony wiener who i feel in love with for yelling at those damn repubs the other day! and u are funny as hell on the daily show! your friend requests are full..you must friend me! you are awesome!

    is this really lisa?

    hahaha! it is you! i am honoured to be your fb friend! you are the coolest dem on the planet! they need to all be as tough as you…and you are damn funny! keep fighting for the sane
    people in this country!

    thank you lisa. glad you have my back. you keeping an eye on that wackadoodle angle for us?

    how insane is she? who needs social security, medicare or education? if this wacko wins my state i swear i will have to move! she may be dumber than plain! and that is tough to find!

    August 14th 2010
    so give me the insider dope. are people buying what she is selling? do you and i haveto kick a little gop ass?

    idiots i work with love this stupid b**ch! i ask them all if they will be turning down their social security and medicare…let's kick some gop ass! i hate them!

    ok, you and me will suit up like superheroes and defeat them. what will we callourselves?

    you are too funny! we could be the jew.o.p! what will we wear? i like this cute new pics of you! when r you coming to vegas to help me beat up the right wing crazies?

    this is my "pull my finger" shot. glad you like. i'm ready for a vegas trip. truth telling during the day. got a night plan for us?

    haha..that was a very loaded questions! i've got all kinds of night plans for us! when are you coming?

    dunno. make me an offer i can't refuse.

    to get us in the mood. first we watch back to back episodes of the daily show and colbert report…then, to really spice things up we go deface all of my neighbor's sharon angle yard signs…then when we are really hot we go to the bookstore and cover all of the glen beck books with copies of "the audacity of hope!"…i do this about once a week (you can tell i am a very exciting girl!)…or if this i not your thing, we can just get drunk and have mad, passionate sex!

    why choose? with me behind you can't we both watch daily show?

    Hhaha! see…you are always thinking! you are so right…aahhh the perfect liberal evening!

    i hear liberal girls are very, uh, accommodating of others

    of course! it is all about taking care of the little guy!

    little?! ouch. you'd be surprised how big

    oh good i love surprises! also, that thing must be HUGE cause right after you sent me that message, my computer crashed for about 2 hours! that ought to make you feel quite manly! but you did give me something fun to think about during my very boring night at work! thanks

    i'm glad you got a little worked up at work. any after work relaxation techniques i should know about?

    haha! you are a naughty boy! i'll have to wait to share all of the details till i meet you in

    there's more but i couldnt take anymore. at least shes cute.

  2. OkieTigerTK

    OkieTigerTK Tornado Alley

    he looks like a cross between a muppet, and a sock puppet.

    yes, you may insert sock jokes here.
    1 person likes this.
  3. tirk

    tirk im the lyrical jessie james

    i guess this shows how females and males are different. and how psycho these politicos are.

    this chick's sexual fantasy includes defacing a glenn beck book and watching the daily and colbert shows.

    and we wonder why these elected losers will do anything to hold office.
  4. tirk

    tirk im the lyrical jessie james

    ok I lied and have to post the rest.

    this chick sounds like a good time and I absolve weiner of his weinergate transgressions.

    September 20th 2010
    computer back up? no sense in you being clever if nobody can read it. good morning.

    hi honey! computer's back up…what's up with you? busy saving my country rom this f***in tea baggers?

    Yep. Cape. Tights. Looking for my sidekick.
    September 21st 2010
    oooohhh…i bet you look hot in tights! can i be your sidekick? get your ass to vegas!!

    stop staring at my weapon! I'm effecting the vegas trip. this whole reelection thing is keeping me tied up.

    i cat wait to meet you in person! and i'll stare at your weapon if i want to, dammit! I understand this reelection stuff may take some time, but i really feel that my needs are waayyy more important! what is kinda funny is that i was looking at my fb page for something and i had posted that i wanted to bang you like a month ago! i think it was after you called
    lieberman a pr**k! not that was hot!

    i'm all about your needs believe me. a month ago? did my moment pass?

    haha…no! that was before i even knew you were so damn funny

    Sign on to fb chat. i'm dying of boredom over here. (plus my tights really itch, I need a distraction)

    September 22nd 2010
    i am drunk and thinking about you…what have u done u done to me? i am being bold and leaving u my number..call me 702 *** ****!
    i am super drunk right now..ooops! and zoo want to talk to u! am i like a Facebook stalker? am i allowed to drunk dial a congressman? i think u r so totally hot and u r lucky i don't have your number right now…

    how did i miss this chance to rock your world by phone? give me another chance! stalk me baby, very hot.

    September 23rd 2010
    so glad you are cool with me stalking you! didn't want you to call homeland security on me!

    no, we have a special secret agency that deals with hot women

    September 25th 2010
    where did my favourite dirty facebooker go? i'm getting kind of addicted to you
    hey sexy. sorry i've been away from a computer so long. so, what are you wearing?
    September 26th 2010

    hey you! assuming you are sleeping since it is way early on a sunday morning…getting ready to take my beloved ambien and crash out since you are not available to talk dirty to me before bed…oh well…you know you are going to have to give me a number that i can drunk dial you
    at one of these days!
    September 28th 2010
    whoa. Super intense dream bout u just now. Woke me up.

    that is fu**ing awesome! don't know i you are still up…but we really need to discuss this further! that's the sweetest thing anyone has said to me in a while! damn! you either went back to sleep or to work saving the world..you see why i need your number when you leave me such good messages?
    Page 4
    nope, not sweet. crazy dirty

    i know…..i want all the dirty details!

    Baby, u have to post some fresh pictures.
    September 29th 2010
    I know! i am so not smart enough to download pics! these are just s****y ones people emailed me….when i see you we can take all kids of pics! wake the f*** up and call me! don't you love how i yell at you???! am getting drunk (again) and my plans fell thru…want to talk to you!

    i was on tv this morning. you check me out?

    why didn't you tell me? i sooo missed u! what channel? call me dammit!
    awake? aawww you left me naked and unsatisfied in front of my computer….you are such a tease! i have to get a webcam!

    October 3rd 2010
    wher u been wiener? like this new pics…u look pi**ed! just not at me i hope. I am once again drunk and thinking of you instead of sleeping

    October 10th 2010
    okay…what the hell happened to you> i was enjoying our fb love affair..where'd you go? are you fb cheating on me?

    November 19th 2010
    where u been? fighting the good fight for my country? send me a message! I miss you

    December 23rd 2010
    you were amazing on parker/spitzer today! you are becoming like a i tell you how movie star these days…all over tv! congrats on 911 health care bill! may i tell you how amazing and brilliant you are? except that u suck cause u never call me!
    January 19th 2011
    hi stranger! watching you be awesome on keith right now! you are the best! where have you been? miss our chats?
    January 20th 2011
    baby where have YOU been? how are you?
    i have been here…just waiting for you to come and visit me in vegas when you are done saving the country from the evil republicans!
    February 2nd 2011
    where are you you hot congressman? let's have some fb sex?
    hey sexy baby. i miss you.
    honey! miss u too! what have you been up to? soooo wanted to drunk dial you last night…..wish i had your number!
    February 18th 2011
    nothing is hotter than watching you be brilliant and take down jeffrey tobin on anderson cooper!
    February 23rd 2011
    U left me hi and dry (actually w*t) today! i want the real anthony sex…not just fb sex!
    March 3rd 2011
    u on here/
    hey sexy
    What's up baby
    hold on. let me look. Whoa, looks like I am wanna ride it?
    hard for me?
    you like me big and fat
    only ur c*** your p**** still tight and w*t for me baby?

    yea..getting drunk and about to bang my f*** friend...till u get here...he will take some dirty pics of me 4 u.
    think of my rock hard c***. practice saying, 'god, anthony, I'm c****ing again.

    I will do that 4 u. waiting it out till u get here and f*** the s*** out of me. where did u go Anthony?
    shower. still h**d. thinking of you on me while I kiss your t***. Hold you down and take you deep
    I'm about to bang my friend cause ur not here..will call him anthony
    I hope he has a big c***
    huge…u are gonna have obe up him...get here
    you will gag on me before you c** with me in you
    he's finger******* right now while I type this...knows I lve u
    off to class. Pics
    soon…get her god dammit! I must have your c***
    March 12th 2011
    what a great surprise to turn on colbert the other day and see your hot face! and how cute and funny you were..are you wearing your colbert wriststrong bracelet? mine never comes off!
    and thanks for yelling at that right wing c*** gretchen…nice job!
    March 16th 2011
    u on here?
    hello lisa
    hi baby! sent you a message the other day, but i think it went on instant chat for some odd reason
    i missed it. sorry sweetie
    no prob…i was so psyched to see u on colbert! you were so funny
    you watch it naked?
    haha! of course! u need to let me know when your are going to be on tv! i keep missing you
    you don't get my twitter feed? <= feelings hurt
    i do! and I'm still waiting 4 ur barmitva pics! but I don't get on twitter everyday, so i don't always get to catch your hot face on all your shows
    ah i ran the bar mitzvah pics btw
    ooohhh..i can't wait to see it! I will go there before bed! you are sooo awesome when you yell at those fox news f***s! that clip was awesome
    i'm glad you like

    are you as passionate in the sack as u are about politics? I'm getting bored of my f*** friend
    baby you'd be crawling for the door to prevent me from f***ing you silly
    nice, just what I'm looking for. I want to bang the future mayor of nyc!
    making me h**d I love that you are always h**d when I talk to you
    I'm horny a lot. sorry
    me too! u have that affect on me
    he make you c**?
    sometimes..but he's not as hot as you. he tells me I'm too wild for him...he can't handle me..i bet u can handle anything
    I want to feel you c** with my fat c*** in you
    Oooohhhh I want that so bad...I am so attracted to you I would probably c** in like 5 minutes
    when am I gonna get some lisa pics to j**k off too?
    he wanted to take some the other day and I was gonna sent them 2 u but it was too dark and they didn't show up..I was actually drunk enough to let someone take naked pics of me
    go into the bathroom mirror now. I'm like a rock
    you know I got no camera. I would..touch your giant c*** for me
    It needs your p**** juice
    I have lots of it for you
    off to the shower this thing is bobbing up and down
    aahh…wish I was in the shower with you to help
    you give good h**d?
    i've been told really good...I love doing it
    wow a jewish girl who sucks c***! this thing is ready to do damage
    and swallows every drop. god damn how do I get you here to f*** me?
    <= thinking about gagging your hot mouth with my c***
    the anticipation of f****** you is driving me crazy! come to vegas so I can suck your c*** for an hour. you must be in the shower…i am getting very nice visual before bed. I'll probably have some filthy dreams about you (again!)"
    clean. but still h**d
    that was fast...you didn't take care of that h**d on for me? I want to hear you c** so bad

    i'm pretty chatty/noisy in bed
    me too. that is such a turn on to me.
    i'll be telling you what dirty things I'm thinking
    i love that. I talk like a filthy wh**e in bed…even though i am such a nice wholesome jewish girl (haha). i love when a guy j**ks off on the phone for me...that is so hot..I at least need to hear your voice when u c**
    you will surely make noise when I take you deep. i will tell you how tight your p**** feels
    yes I will...and it is very tight..i hope I can handle that big c*** of yours..I will be sore for days
    ridiculous bulge in my shorts now. wanna see?
    yea. can u send a pic? I want to sit on your c*** so bad right now
    jeez. i'm rushing. let me take a quick pic
    awesome…how do I get it? right on here? how are you going to work with a raging h**d on?
    it won't go away, and now I'm taking pics of it, making me ha**er still."
    so hot! u are making me w*t again
    jeez I have to go. i'll hit you later
    awwww…u better
    April 5th 2011
    wher you been sexy? had a greet filthy dream about u the other night
    hot. tell.
    April 7th 2011
    catching up on my daily shows..did u know were the 'moment of zen'? u were so funny with your weiner/bohner joke! u are too cute!
    get ur ass 2 work and save my country from these c*** sucking repubs!
    I like it when you talk about c*** sucking
    these f****ers are pi**ing me off
    I love that u bought the dr suess book
    something on my level
    Page 9
    U r soo cute
    will u punch boehner in the head, please. tony..where r u?
    sorry, i was punching the speaker
    right n! have u been up 4 days. will u hire me to be your fluffier
    you would be good at that. your little pic makes me h**d
    i a so ito u ..u have no idea oops…my grammer is suffering with my wine. i love that u r sooo hot and such a liberal
    I was hoping my fat c*** would be a selling point too
    yes..it is i sooo want to f*** the s**t out of u. i want to get on a plant rite nw and bang u hard
    will u call me rite now and we can have phone sex? 702 *** ****
    getting in to the shower
    call me when you get out
    April 13th 2011
    hey u
    why hello
    don't you ever sleep?
    uh, its 9 here. my lisa time
    awe..i love that i need some anthony time. u must be working again…thought it was my time!
    April 28th 2011
    hey u!
    April 29th 2011
    u on here?
    hey baby
    hi honey! where u been
    out. about. the usual. miss me?
    yes, what are u doing up so late?

    dunno, woke up sweaty...and h**d
    nice, were you having hot dreams?
    i don't remember. but looking down I'd say yes
    i love that you are always so horny! am i ever gonna actually get to f*** u
    would that be good? i imagine you rocking my world
    i would love to! that anticipation is killing me
    i keep going back to your page looking for new pics to get off too
    i do need to get some. i keep seeing you on tv and you are so sexy. hey are you facebooktwo-timing me?"
    yeah. big time
    you facebook slut
    i bet you have so many chicks after you! you are our liberal stud
    tonight i'm just a man with a raging h**d on
    wish I was there to f*** s*** out of you
    i need it
    don't you ever get to vegas? i just need to have u for one night
    i have too
    will u really? i know u are a great f***. i have never wanted to b**g someone so bad who I've never even met
    i'm so f***ing hard right now
    i want to sit on your big hard c***
    i hope that's the way you like em
    of course! I know u are huge…had so many dirty dreams about u are u jerking off to another fb girl? maybe we need a fb threeway
    nah, actually fading off
    "awww. u going to sleep without taking care of your c*** for me?
    taking him to bed. goodnight sexy
    goodnight baby! get your hot ass to vegas!
    May 23rd 2011
    what's up stranger?
    May 31st 2011
    omg! are u okay? so sorry u got hacked…i know u would never do anything like have fb sex or
    take pics of your c***…who is the b***** who ratted u out? I am the only fb chick u can trust
    June 1st 2011
    u owe me big time for keeping this all quiet…i am defending u to the death on every blog and to everyone….telling everyone u would never send dirty messages to women i know u haven't been on here since u were hacked but i NEED to talk to u…someone contacted me about u…call me or something.
  5. stevescookin

    stevescookin Certified Who Dat


    NEW YORK – Congressman Anthony Weiner has joined the “intactivists” and the growing fight against circumcision.

    Rep. Weiner (D-NY) made the announcement at a press conference this afternoon outside Mount Sinai Hospital on Manhattan’s east side.
    “I’m trying to move forward as a public figure and as a progressive thinker. My goal as an elected official is to follow and explore the will of the people. And the people are saying, Congressman Weiner it’s time to stop the circumcisions. This is not about religion. I know you’ve all seen photos of me, and maybe you can’t tell, but I am also a victim of circumcision. It’s time for us to get together, and heal.”

  6. luvdimtigers

    luvdimtigers Founding Member

    Tirk, Where were you at with all these posts when Vitter's prostitute scandal broke?

    Vitter was worse, IMO, since he ran his sewer about how Clinton needed to resign, (not because he lied under oath) but because he had no moral compass.
  7. luvdimtigers

    luvdimtigers Founding Member

    just like Vitter's wife
  8. SyrTiger

    SyrTiger ooo yea thats hot

    2 people like this.
  9. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    The full wiener image has hit the internet.

  10. tirk

    tirk im the lyrical jessie james

    who cares who was worse. i dont think mr weiner did anything wrong except get caught. I just like this lisa weiss chick who sounds like a lot of fun which is why I posted it then cancelled my penthouse letters subscription.

    I hope he and vitter fly to vegas to meet her and bring me along. and bring that porn chick weiner was texting as well.

    you're so ate up with left or right you missed the point. lighten up, libby.

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