When you read the story, in its proper context, and I actually heard the interview live, Rome led that blind man to water in terms of the "in all seriousness" comment. If he weren't the nice guy he was, and didn't try VERY hard to make him realize how ridiculous his comment was, it would have never dawned on Rice to come back and make those statements. You ask him off the air, and with his "boyz" and I guarantee you that his first reaction and first impression is still the one he truly believes. Simeon Rice has a history of bizarre behavior in this league, from guaranteeing victories, "as long as everyone else does their job, I'll dominate and guarantee a victory (What the hell is that?)." to getting kicked out of the Pro Bowl...The guy is a headcase, and is out of touch with reality... I heard him again in the interview with ESPN radio post Pro Bowl Boot..and the man sounds totally incoherent when asked to formulate complete thoughts...But what a surprise..He's a Lou Tepper recruit... martin, you take a lot of weird stances, & we already know that you are of the opinion I have some strange fascination with making you look silly (Though you do a good enough job of that on your own)...But you'd do well enough to leave this alone. I've kept up with Rice since college...He's got an axe to grind with Arizona because they didn't, "Pay him the bones he deserved." and he's a genuine goofball...
seems to me this is a really obvious cheap attempt by a writer to make a story out of nothing, but if you wanna lynch him, be my guest. i dont feel like it is my job to tell people what is off limits. for all i know, those two guys are pals and used to taunt each other mercilessly in the locker room, like some friends do. i don't claim to know who is joking about what. when i hear a man say : " actually in all seriousness, I think it's admirable" i believe him, i wont condemn him for poking fun at his ex-teammate. i will give the guy a break, but if you are inside his head enough to make guarantees about how he acts off the air with his boys then go for it. http://www.sptimes.com/2004/04/24/Sports/Simeon_Rice___I_mourn.shtml "Look, the essence of who we are isn't shaped by us being football players or by the emblem we wear on our helmet. It's about what we do as a person and what he did was heroic. It's measured by the things we do and say that have compelling (impacts) on other people's lives. Those are the things that summarize who Pat was." - simeon rice to me rice sounds pretty well-spoken. who gives a damn if he made fun of tillman, said he sucks at football. thats not the issue.
Backpedaling. He was backpedaling, I'll bet. He said what he meant at first. I didn't hear the interview, so I could be wrong. Can I punch him in the mouth anyway?