The points don't bother me, nor does the red. I just wanted the guy to try and explain what he thought was stupid about the post. I've narrowed it down to this: 1. He's a newbie 2. He's a redneck and 3. He's a racist.
He's hitting everyone that thinks JR played well, got mine too. I liked it better when you couldn't give points anonymously, that way you had nothing to hide. I agree with all your points except #2, even a full blooded coonass like myself knows that there is one or two good rednecks out there.
Russell did exactly what he was supposed to do. Look at his stats. While he did miss a couple of open receivers, that happens in football. His biggest mistake was not throwing the ball out of bounds on the last drive. He also should have given Davis more time to get in the end zone on the last play of the game, but I believe he was under pressure and so I will give him a pass on that one. If Davis had been able to break the tackle he still would have scored. Russell passed for 269 yards, which was marred by one interception and no touchdowns, but you have to give Auburn some credit. The problem in the game was not the passing; it was the ground game.
i was thinking the sack was the worst decision or non-decision to throw the ball away as his biggest mistake. i take that back. it was the decision to throw to vincent in the middle of the field when time would have run out if not for the penalty. that was more inexcusable than the sack and bothers me more.