Re: Playing devil's advocate here... I respectfully disagree. There are many reasons to fake (and let's remember the players allegedly called the last one) none the least of which is clock management and keeping your opponent from scoring points. In executing the fake punt we didn't throw it in the endzone! We were simply trying to maintain possession of the ball and run down the clock. Otherwise, I don't think anyone can say that there was a lack of confidence in the defense......the D was awesome, what did Miami have in the second half....5 yards of total offense! :thumb: P.S. Don't have to remember too far back (SEC Championship) to realize just how quick a team can score by blocking a punt. Bad call, maybe, because it didn't work but not all some are trying to make it out to be.
My coach used to tell us that the other team is out to make an a$$ of you. It's your job to make dahm well sure they don't. Miami didn't make dahm well sure. Who's at fault here?
No it isn't, unless you're aware of a history of fake punts resulting in many scores. Fact: We shut down the pasing attack midway through the THIRD QUARTER. We kept scoring because they couldn't stop the run. Even a succussful fake punt called by the players themselves would have resulted in nothing more than more running.
Exactly!!!!! UM likes to questions about it.....they want to jump up and down in your face and talk smack..But when it happens to them, it is a different story.....when they are doing their 'fro dances on the sidelines, that is their right....not yours.........THEY GOT THEIR ASS'S HANDED TO THEM FROM START TO FINISH....TICKLES THE **** OUT OF ME....WENT RUNNING UP THE LSU TUNNEL AFTER THE GAME.....CAME LIMPING OUT LATER.....DUMB ASS'S. I posted earlier that I hoped LSU started whipping ass early and never let up.....Hooray for me......:lsup: :geauxtige
Did Miami run up the score on us in Tiger stadium when I was there in 1988. Where in the hell does the "be nice" to the other team syndrome come from? Is that similar to not giving kids failing grades because it might hurt their confidence or feelings? Just some food for thought!
Re: Playing devil's advocate here... You know, Miami (much like Florida in the Spurrier days) has never had a conscience when it comes to manhandling less talented teams. For them to get their 'U' helmets handed to them by a team that's on at least equal footing talent-wise is just pure enjoyment. I think they were given a healthy serving of humble-pie and decided it wasn't very tasty.
Re: Playing devil's advocate here... The concept of "running up the score" is preposterous. The goal of an offense is to score. The goal of the defense is the opposite, and special teams are somewhere in the middle. If your offense scores, good for you. And if your defense can't stop someone from scoring, that's not the scoring team's problem. It's a 60 minute game. Don't stop the offense from functioning just because the other team is either lacking in talent or filled with cowards.
Re: Playing devil's advocate here... A complete lack of class? Should the running back carry the ball with one pinky extended as well? This post overall makes no sense. No spin from me. I've never had a problem with a team blowing out LSU if they can and vice versa. Why should you? "Awww...the score hurt my fee-fees." Blah. And I challenge you to find a single team in the country other than USC that wouldn't love to have Spurrier or Tuberville. Why are you using them to make a negative point? And when was the last time Franchione even had his team in a position to win big?
A couple of thoughts... I've seen the notes about Miami running into your tunnel at the end of the game. That tunnel in the Peach Bowl is shared by both teams, right? Secondly, just because Miami has done something to other teams in the past am I reading it correctly that it makes it OK to return the favor? Isn't imitation the sincerest form of flattery? Lastly, the reports that I've read has Miles calling for a fake FG and the players changing it to a fake punt on the last play. (I may have that backwards now that I think about it). Isn't that correct? So, as I've read a couple suggest the "players called the fake" is a matter of semantics, isn't it? OH, that thought brings this to mind. This isn't the first time the players have run a fake different from the call made on the sidelines this year, is it? I recall a thread a month or two ago on that very subject. I don't consider that an "audible" although you guys may look at it differently. On a seperate note: Seen a few registrations on our forum the last two days and the majority of them are taking up for Coker. It seems, the Miami fan base realizes they might have a PR nightmare on their hands.