Did LSU Run Up The Score?

Discussion in 'The Tiger's Den' started by Purple & Gold, Dec 31, 2005.

  1. MikeD

    MikeD Sports Genius

    Sep 5, 2002
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    There was definitely no running up the score in the play calling but... letting the players have the option of running a fake with 5 minutes left in the game falls on Miles. At some point, he needs to say - no fakes allowed, just punt and play defense.

    Miami needs to grow up though and stop crying.
  2. TigerinAustin

    TigerinAustin Founding Member

    Sep 25, 2003
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    I LOVED the throw on third down for the first. I was certain we'd run up the middle and miss the conversion. 2 things felt different last night:

    1) I couldn't predict every single play before we snapped it
    2) Miles didn't seem to be "sitting on the lead."

    Great game.
  3. TigerSnarl

    TigerSnarl Air Conditioned Gypsy

    Jan 21, 2004
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    40 points is not running up the score. Did usc and tex get crap for going over 65?
  4. Purple & Gold

    Purple & Gold Founding Member

    Dec 24, 2004
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    Re: Playing devil's advocate here...

    Well, I would call it smart football relative to clock management and putting the game out of reach. How many come from behind victories were there this week not to mention the infamous Tenn. game in tiger stadium this year. Truth be told, we should have let Flynn throw more and put up 60+.

    The point of my post was really a critism of the media and the nonsense they come up with.

    Otherwise, I agree that if you think you are man enough to come into the tigers tunnel startin chit you do so knowing that there is a good chance you are going to get the chit knocked out of you. If I am Les I am congratulating the guys on taking care of business, on and off the field!:thumb:

    :champs: :champs: :champs: :champs: :champs: :champs: :champs: :champs: :champs: :champs: :champs: :champs:
  5. fanatic

    fanatic Habitual Line Stepper

    Oct 26, 2003
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    I kinda thought we ran the fakes to keep the ball and run the clock. If we happen to score running the ball with most of the starting O-line on the bench and our second string fullback playing tailback, so be it.
  6. MLUTiger

    MLUTiger Secular Humanist

    Aug 9, 2001
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    It's no more running up the score than beating a conference opponent 52-7 is. In fact, I seem to remember and game in 1988 that Miami won over LSU by the score of 44-3, no? Karma is a bitch...
  7. JSracing

    JSracing Founding Member

    Nov 24, 2003
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    Re: Playing devil's advocate here...

    you're team is on the field to score points regardless of which team it is, 3rd, 4th etc.. You don't practice NOT to score and NOT to gain yards.

    they are football players, the game of football has points to determine a winner. God i wish people would get over this score BS. We've had lots scored on us before too. I WOULD NOT want SYMPATHY ball being thrown my way if I were the other team, screw that.
    That's like taking it on the chin to make the other fighter "look" better. If I can't beat a guy fairly then I sure don't want no dahm sympathy, that's even more degrading.

    It's a sign of RESPECT when you ASSUME the other team that is down, no matter how far, could score or take the ball from you and score at anytime.

    If your team has game and the ability to score.. DO IT.

    People have this "class" thing backwards, a team has no class when they say, we don't respect your team enough to even try to score.

    if they look bad, then it's at least a TRUTHFUL indication of how they played.
  8. DarkHornet

    DarkHornet Louisiana Sports Fan

    Sep 24, 2003
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    Re: Playing devil's advocate here...

    Before I get started, I'm not trying to call you out. Just the general board opinion about the fake punt.

    This is horses***. If the shoe was on the other foot, I think we'd be hearing a much different story about the fakes. Everyone has their purple and gold glasses on right now to the fullest extent. The game was out of hand at the time of the fake punt. I understand that the coach didn't call it, and it can be understood that the players wouldn't have the disipline to know the situation, but to try to say there is nothing wrong with trying a fake there does show a complete lack of class. It's also saying you don't have much confidence in your defense or special teams to hold on to a 37 point lead.

    Passing to convert a 3rd and long to keep the clock moving, that's fine. Kicking a field goal on 4th down when you are up by 31 and are deep in opponents territory? I think that's acceptable as well. But to pull a fake punt that late in the game? That's way across the line.

    I don't believe it should take away from LSU's pounding of Miami, but to say there is nothing wrong with it really shows me how much spin there is on this board. This is something I expect from the Steve Spurriers, Dennis Franchoines and Tommy Tubervilles of the world, not LSU.
  9. NJtiger

    NJtiger Founding Member

    Oct 25, 2003
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    The concept of "not running up the score" is for high school. After that, you play 60 minutes and it doesn't matter who you're playing. If we were up 33-3 over Appalachian State and we did a fake punt, I might think it was a little much. But this is the MIAMI HURRICANES, the number 9 team in the country. In my book there is no way to "run up a score" on such an opponent. Miami had the tools to defend, certainly. They just couldn't or didn't.

    And as for who started the tussle in the tunnel--let's review the bidding here: LSU hasn't gotten in a fight all year. This is LSU's most convincing win, a win which truly speaks for itself. No one on the LSU team could possibly have any kind of animosity toward the Hurricanes, because they embarrassed the Hurricanes on the field so thoroughly that no trash talk was necessary, much less any fighting. On the other side, Miami is known for having very low standards when it comes to the behavior of its players, and perennially they have problems with them. Now you take this group of undisciplined players who think they're just one step away from making millions in the NFL and you humiliate them totally on national television in a bowl game, maybe even forcing some of them to rethink a chance to enter the draft early. WHO IS MORE LIKELY TO PICK A FIGHT?

    :geauxtige :champs: :hihi: :rofl:
  10. JSracing

    JSracing Founding Member

    Nov 24, 2003
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    Re: Playing devil's advocate here...

    I am sure you are right some would be Yelling loud, I would not be. I played football, herein lies the difference. no spin, players dont like to be coddled.
    ask them.

    and really the FAKE ( 2nd one ) wasn't to run up the score, it was a play the players called. ( checked off to ) yes it was ill advised. unecessary, but people are reading too much into it. It's not WAY across the line, it was just a play, it was just as risky either way. You call a play like that it can go either way. Miami could have scored after that and the score could have been tighter so who's to say it was to " run" up the score? too many varibles.. just a play man not a scheme... :dis:

    Had MILES called the play, then maybe you are onto something.. but a check off on the field, nawww the media is reading too much into it.

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