Picture pre-game parties with people partying and spilling stuff over the balconies onto the crowd. Picture some drunk falling out and killing himself and perhaps somebody below. Imagine the resulting lawsuits. LSU thought about that idea for about 5 minutes and dropped it like a rock. There has been talk of making pre-game, air-conditioned "tailgating" suites out of the old dorms, but I guarantee you that they would have sealed windows.
Man I remember the days when we use to sneak into Tiger Stadium with girls just to make out on the 50 yard line.:thumb: What in the hell is the matter with kids today?
And you thought I was kidding didn't you....? Sorry for the kids. Some were probably just in the wrong place, wrong time. An arsonist, however, is a real challenge to the folks that will have to deal with him/her. Arsonists are usually really screwed up individuals that most residential treatment centers don't want in their facilities (duh ?). Hope all ends well.
The kids were from 9 to 11 and will probably not end up being charged with tresspassing. But the 15-year-old was charged with arson and will probably be prosecuted.
Sorry for whoever ends up having to work with this kid. Arsonists are scarry individuals due to the massive destruction and indescriminate injury (or death) they can cause and the fact that the opportunity to torch something is almost always present. Hard to figure being so fascinated with fire and the intrigue of using it for destructive purposes.
What a second just because he is being charged with arson does not make him an arsonist. Growing up me and my 2 brothers were HUGE fire bugs, and while we were brought up to not damage anybody elses stuff, we did burn our woods down a couple of times. Hell back in the day my dad and his brothers use to build clubhouses just to burn them down. They were just stupid kids that proably didnt have parents to teach them the right way, but one small fire does not mean this kids should be scarred and labeled for life.
There is a big difference in burning something of your own, and sneaking into a college football stadium and starting a fire. At the very least, these are little juvie delinquents that need to be gotten control of NOW! My mom used to be the intake worker in the DA's office in our county. All juvies that got busted had to be interviewed by her, and she made the recommendation on if they should be tried as adults or juveniles. These kids are at the age she always saw parents saying "I just don't know what to do.... whine, whine". And that was because the little chits weren't disciplined at all in their younger years and the parents had lost complet control. Personally, I am very curious to know the reaction of the parents.
You're right. He's only been charged. However, once adjudicated delinquent for the charge of arson, he's an arsonist. You say you "were brought up to not damage anybody elses stuff",......... I'm betting this young man has not been taught that at home. In my view, there's a large difference between burning down your own boyhood clubhouse or letting a fire get away from you in your own woods and torching a public building, in this case Tiger Stadium.