And you gave HOW MUCH of YOUR $$$$ to the poor/needy/etc.etc.???? And just WHY are you, Mr. Almighty LSU, not spending YOUR TIME helping the poor RIGHT NOW instead of WASTING YOUR TIME moralizing on this board when you could be HELPING THE POOR? WELL????????? Is THAT really the argument/point that YOU are trying to make?? Dude, you're a joke. :dis: A give-back to ANYBODY that helped you make the $$$ is very cool AND very classy. And if it's $1M, its even COOLER. So now I guess we'll get into the argument about WHO you give ANY of your money away to makes you classier than someone who gives $$$ to ANYBODY without something in return... My original post still stands. Deuce is class. BTW LSU I would like to apologize. It appears that you now realize how ridiculous your words looked like on this board - you swallowed your pride and deleted your post. You shouldn't have typed it in the first place.
Just to put his generosity in perspective, this is what he's made... 2001- $3,960,000.00 2002- $370,000.00 2003- $450,000.00 These figures include signing bonuses. Now this seems like a lot of money to us, but for him to give 1 million, having only made around 5 million, is pretty giving in my book.
Thanks for the figures, I. Proves my original post even moreso. Anybody that WILLINGLY gives up 20% of their paycheck for 3 years is CLASS. I just wish there were more Deuces, Warrick Dunns, etc. etc. out there...