There was a sign on the wall at some business that former New Orleans Mafia Boss Carlos Marcello owned that said "Three can keep a secret if two are dead."
Reminds me of the old Richard Pryor bit about J-Bo Williams. Met him at Arizona State Penitentiary when Richard was filming Stir Crazy. Apparently J-Bo was serving something like 5 consecutive life sentences. (J-Bo's response when Richard asked why did you kill everybody in the house? "They was home.") To Richard's brilliant mind, that sentence meant that if J-Bo died and came back, he was going to the penitentiary. Or in Richard's words, "Fuck kindergarten. Get your ass back to the penitentiary."
Which reminds me that I saw the other day I think was in the paper that google scans all emails and will turn in pedophiles when they detect child porn being sent through their system. They say that child porn is the only crime in which they will notify the law. Turning in pedophile is a good thing bt do you believe them when they say that's as far as it will go?
I thought that domestic crime was the FBI's job. Immigration/Customs and Homeland Security are supposed to be investigating international trafficking and crimes. That is how they amassed so many unconstitutional powers to snoop on private citizens. Perhaps this is an international pedophile ring.
@red55 A few months ago there was an international chil porn ring member in Abita Springs who was busted but I don't remember by what agency. I'm currently on mobile do searching is a pain.
By definition isn't any perv no matter where they live a part of an international ring if they swap pics with another perv who lives in a different country even it they don't know it because all they have is an email address?