Del Rio will be available 24 hours after the Capital One Bowl.

Discussion in 'The Tiger's Den' started by max, Dec 29, 2004.

  1. ramah

    ramah Founding Member

    Sep 13, 2001
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    No doubt Del Rio is the best of the lot as an NFL winning coach this year ... they'll never let LSU take him ... he'll end up with a nice raise

    I can understand about Miles ... clearly a second tier coach in a one-horse conference

    Disagree about Petrino ... Top Tier CUSA (Cuz U Suck Anyway) clown playing someone else's recruited talent with no proven track record ... and an acknowledged "integrity" issues ... Bad gamble

    Robiskie wouldn't be a bad choice ... why the lack of faith? Is it the fact he's black and there are zero successful black head coaches in College?

    A MacClendon product and the Pride of LSU ... LSU could do one helluva lot worse than Terrie Robiskie
  2. KTeamLSU

    KTeamLSU Founding Member

    Sep 11, 2004
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    I just don't know much about him other than, he took over for my Redskins at head coach and then was shown his way back down the ladder. He has stepped up as the Browns coach but will be demoted again. I am also concerned that a black coach will not have such a warm reception at LSU and therefore fans would doom him to lose. I have no problem with a black coach myself, but I know alot of people who would be. If he is qualified and Skip sees fit to hire him, I will support him equally as I would any candidate (other than NutBag or Tubochit).
  3. TigerFan90

    TigerFan90 Too far away from home

    Dec 3, 2003
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    I don't care if the coach is black, white, yellow, green, purple, etc. If people do, then that is just crazy. LSU just needs to get the best coach it can and run the program. Merit. That's it. Simple.
  4. KTeamLSU

    KTeamLSU Founding Member

    Sep 11, 2004
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    You say its simple... but the race issue in the south is never simple... I would love for it to be all flowers and butterflies, but its not. Just telling the truth, all of you know you have thought about it when names like Crennel and Robiskie are brought up.
  5. sphincter_boy

    sphincter_boy Founding Member

    Oct 2, 2004
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    ...excuse me, guys, but has it not been reported by SB that there would be some "big names" on the interview list for this job? All of the forementioned names (Del Rio, Miles, Petrino, Robiskie, et al) have merits and I'm sure are good coaches, but none of them strike me as BIG names. Seems to me Skip wouldn't have said $hit about BIG NAMES if he didn't have BIG NAMES contacting HIM about the coaching vacancy. I think we're setting our sites too low too soon here. Give it a week or 2 before "giving" the job to any one candidate. I'm sure there will be more interviews by then...

    ...and here's a hint as to why I would wait the extra time...

    The NFL's regular season ends this weekend and afterwards, there is a week off for teams getting a bye in the first round of the playoffs...look for coordinators from the Steelers, Patriots (Crennel, not Wies:D ), Eagles, and Falcons to be very, very big possibilities of being interviewed....also, the teams not making the playoffs' coaches/coordinators would be more open to the interview process. I also look for BIG NAME coaches who maybe have been off the scene for a while maybe to get a look-see? Barry Switzer is lookin for a job! :D
  6. SabanFan

    SabanFan The voice of reason

    Oct 21, 2002
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    Robiskie is black? I thought he was Polish. :confused:

    This is 2004. Anyone who would dismiss Robiskie because of his race is too ignorant to worry about.
  7. lsutigersfan27

    lsutigersfan27 Freshman

    Dec 29, 2004
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    I think that Del Rio would be a tremendous asset to the LSU Football program, because he is strictly a defensive coach and I think that's what we need. Saban was a defensive coach and look what he done for LSU we won a National Title. Del Rio could possibly bring the Title back home where it belongs. With the players that we will have returning next season and with recruiting we could be a tremendous force to deal with. :geaux:
  8. TwistedTiger

    TwistedTiger Founding Member

    Dec 10, 2003
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    Please........ LSU fans would support the devil himself if he would win ballgames. I've seen post calling for Tuberville, visor boy, Neuheisel, and other shady characters but LSU fans won't support Robiskie because he is black? Have you looked at the color of most of our players? Tiger fans want a winner and as I posted earlier I could care less if he is fluorescent pink!!!!!
  9. BigJ31

    BigJ31 Founding Member

    Mar 9, 2004
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    Ok so a current HC in the NFL (Del Rio) isn't a big name, but a current NFL assitant is? WTF? Yea Barry Switzer good idea man...Thank God you aren't an AD.
  10. sphincter_boy

    sphincter_boy Founding Member

    Oct 2, 2004
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    Del Rio? Big name? WTF has he EVER any level as a HC or DC? I was just joking about B Switzer, dude. Chill...that's why the :D was placed after the quote. Some of you guys take this $hit way too seriously.

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