Let's not go crazy. It would be best to not aim so high right off the bat. You want something that is easily achieved to build confidence in yourself. If you set your goals too high, the inevitable failure will do more harm than good. Try a few "knock, knock" jokes first then move onto puns. Eventually you will be able to work in a few dry one-liners of you feel up to the challenge. Before you know it, you'll be ready to start with the biting sarcasm. Stay away from your weaker areas like logic and deductive reasoning. Focusing on these areas will only draw attention to yourself and not the kind that you want. Keep it light and simple. Remember, start small and good luck!
Taking an active role has really paid off for all the little choirboys, alterboys,,,,hell, I'm not gonna go there. I don't disagree with going to church, I just disagree with believing everyone that doesn't agree with your unproven beliefs are gonna go to hell, and you have every right to exterminate them. And after you exterminate them, you become a martyr. Just my opinion, I could be wrong, but I doubt it.
I'm the first to admit my sense of humor is dry at best, but when it comes to logic and rational thinking lets just say mine has served me better than most.
does calling something a phenomenon instead of creator mean it doesnt require a creator like everything else in the universe? creation must have a creator, but the "phenomenon" doesnt count as part creation? what is this theory based on?
The big bang phenomenon may have caused itself. A singular initial phenomenon. The point is that a creator is not necessarily a deity.
what happened before the big bang, i think its a little arrogant to presume that the milky way galaxy is the mecca of the universe. not saying that you yourself believe this red, just asking.