well, technically god is there even if only one person is around. and the person doesnt have to be there in his name. no party is too small for god. in fact god is so powerful that he can make a one-person church service into the most moving event anyone ever attended, if he wanted.
MARTIN !!!! "Technically-------you are exactly right. And I believe He wants to ------ if one will just allow Him. He wants all of His children to love Him because they want to, not because they have to. You impressed me......:thumb:
thats true. in fact when i pray i talk to god about this exact topic. i say "my lord, precious master of all, whats poppin'?... yunno, lord, i have been wondering, why dont you just make everyone love you, if you like to be worshiped so much?" and my prayers were answered. god said "i gave them the choice, my child, sometimes i like when they choose to hate me and i burn them for eternity." that god, he is a kooky character. i still love him though. with all my heart.
here's a new prayer for you, "Big Daddy Supreme, please do not laugh to loudly at me. Yes, i really cannot begin to fathom the true nature of reality, as cutting edge research indicates that we may live in a 26 dimensional world. Really, my speculation on whether there's consciousness behind it all is meaningless. I am just as clueless as everyone else and my pretending to have even a slightly better understanding of the nature of reality is a grand joke." Take a page from one of our greatest philosophers: “The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing.” Socrates
1. your 26 dimensions theory is not taken entirely seriously by the scientific community. in fact string theory is quickly going downhill. 2. again, i am not the one who presumes to understand anything.
The fundamental forces become unified with extra dimensions. Present day string theory will eventually be a stepping stone for the real UFT.
if you say so. but like i said, string theory has been going downhill for years. also i dunno why you shoehorn it into the discussion so much. you are a little too excited to have heard of it.
YouTube - Penn Says: Agnostic vs. Atheist I have to assume the religious folks posting on this subject haven't watched the above link. NOONE (other than Martin) has viewed it. And NOONE has answered the question posed in the video. Again, people avoid the obvious-in-front-of-your-face issues and skirt around them screaming faith, faith, faith. All the death, destruction, rape, robbery, perversion, and (for you Christians) blastphemy that goes on in the world is just ignored by everyone, even God. If, in fact God is watching,,,,,,,,I'm kinda wondering what channel he's tuned into. That's all for me, Jimmy Swaggert is on the tube, I don't wanna miss him.
i ask the questions posed in that video all the time and get dishonest or no response. how can we blame a muslim that kills for god? perhaps god told him to do it? how can we know god doesnt want killing? the biblical god loves to kill. wouldnt you kill if god asked? again, the key is that we cant go around believing random things. if we start believing things without evidence, then literally all unprovable things are equal. so the question of whether or not you an atheist, the question is really the exact same as "are you rational or are you delusional".
Irrational and delusional are not synonymous. Irrational conclusions are not necessarily delusions. Irrational reflection can be part of the creative process.