as far as GAY cheers, TULANE's Hullaballo is the epitome of queerness.... Hotty totty is, at least, done with some flourish btw; Bud & I need tix for the Ole Miss game...... e mail me if you have any for sale or would like to trade for Ark. tix
If you think all the "Eli for Heisman" hasn't gone to his head the least bit, you're fooling yourself.
I'm sure glad that someone else can't stand (no pun intended) the "Two Bits" cheer. It is pure agony to sit through that. If we want a "currency" related cheer how about: "Nickel, nickel... quarter, quarter...the LSU team drinks Tigah water" or something similiar to that ? NOT !
Come on man... Do you not think that the kid deserves to be in the heisman race??? he is a very talented QB, but just because he has talent, doesn’t mean that he is an ego maniac... you have nothing to back up your statement, because it is not true....
I know its all tradition, but those freakin cheers need to be updated. Especially the Virginia Tech one, which is about the stupidest thing I've ever heard. You'd think Weird Al Yankovich wrote these things.
I didn't say he didn't deserve it, but Matt Mauck's efficiency rating is higher. Why shouldn't he get some notice? Oh cause his father wasn't an "all-time great". That's why. I'm so sick of hearing how great Eli is. He couldn't beat Texas Tech and Memphis. How can that possibly be a Heisman trophy winner?
All I know is, if I were an Ole Miss player and they started that Hotty Toddy Gosh a mighty chant among 50,000 or so people, there is no way I'm grabbing my ankles during pre game stretching.
OMG... you have to be kidding me.... I know that Mauck is a good QB, but i think that they look at a little bit more than completion % when talking about the heisman… Plus you are changing the subject… you were saying how big Eli’s ego is… not if he should be a candidate for the heisman… if you really cant see how the kid is a valid candidate then you are being blinded by your own ignorance….
Coach: Son you need to stretch you lower back. Bend over and touch your toes. Ole Missy player: But coach, they just did the Hotty Totty "cheer". Coach: Oh yeah, why don't you just go and sit on the bench. You'll be safe there.