You know there used to be more boobs on the site; AND it seems the discussions then were.. . . well. ... softer. I mean I can't remember a time I felt angry while staring at a nice pair. What if we developed a 'boob background' for the site so the whole time you're posting you're looking at boobs? Who could be mad? The like button would be, you know a button. Then everyone would like each other.
Thanks KyleK. This is why I don't come around as often anymore. It's tiring and juvenile and gets old. I also had to stop reading at work, which was where I was able to keep up mostly, due to the inappropriate pictures that get posted in the middle of a meaningful thread. My wish is that y'all would create threads for that kind of stuff and leave good discussion threads alone, but I am sure that is a pipe dream. Hopefully this place can get back to being civil LSU fans again.
I never understood how veteran posters took things personal. I can understand true newbs (not one of CO2’s multiple alters) who are just learning their way around- not that we’ve had any in the last 6 yrs.