I do believe that the republican party hada hard look at itself after the beating it took in the midterms that gave the house to polosi and reed the senate. Especially after obama's victory, the republican party learned from the tea party. We republicans are sick of the social shizt. A new generation of republicans are not as socially conservative as our parents and grandparents were. We want the debt paid down. We want states to have their power restored and the federal government's power reduced. Absolute power corrupts absolutely. The federal government's power must be reduced to decrease the corruption. We are worried about the debt. Peorid. Most of us younger republicans consider ourselves fiscal conservatives but not as so much social conservatives. Not all think as I do but many do. We are not worried as much with gay marriage and think pot should be legal. Other social issues , we feel, should be states business. Get the floppin money right. Pay down the debt. Don't let the nation go bankrupt. We have one hell of a challenge ahead of us paying for the medical and social security of the baby boomers who are retiring and steping out of power leaving us to deal with 14 trillion in debt and no money to take care of our parents and grandparents. That's what the new republican party is about. Figuring out how to pay the floppin bills with no money to do it. As the old republican leaders retire the new crop of leaders like rubio and Ryan will be more focused on fiscal and not social conservativism.
All they learned from the tea party was single-issue politics and ideological inflexibility. This will hurt them in 2012. The moderate voters don't like it and there is a split developing within the republican party because of it. These new republicans look and sound remarkably like the "old" republicans. What a joke. Then why didn't you pay it down the last time you were in power? Instead you sharply increased the debt and people have not forgotten. All the manufactured debt hysteria has happened after Obama took office and it is pure politics. When the GOP get back into power some day, they will not decrease the debt. Watch and learn. OK, so why the outrage this week when California exercises state power to enact the gay history class? California is the most liberal state in the union and they did something liberal and you didn't like it one bit. Now you are claiming that they need more states rights. Hypocrite. What federal "power" do you want to go away? The Boomers ARE your parents and grandparents. And they have paid far more into the system than your generation ever will. If the GOP is about bashing the baby boomers, they are committing political suicide. There are an awful lot of boomers, they contribute an awful lot to campaigns, and they vote. Obama has raised $86 million already for 2012, a new record.
What I am saying is that we are in 14 trillion in debt and have the baby boomers all retiring and needing medical help. This will be the greatest domestic crisis of our time. How can we, both dems and reps- my generation, pay for all the needs of the boomers when both ss and Medicare are broke and were 14 t in debt? In the next 15 years the elderly population will explode. We must get other spending in check or there will be no way to pay for it all. You are fond, red , of trashing gen x but remember what was said about the generation of hippies that were 18 to 24 during the late 60's. Your generation has also had it's share of critics.
You won't have to pay it all. The boomers have paid in $billions and have amassed huge amounts of wealth. Boomers will be paying for most of their bills. And social security isn't broke. It has posted big surpluses for years that was robbed by Congress who will have to pay it back. It wasn't the boomers who underpaid, it was Congress that stole the surplus. Medicare is the big problem and there must be some huge fat-cutting, some huge waste elimination, and probably the age of eligibility must also rise as the lifespans of people have risen. Only in response to your ill-considered attacks on the Baby Boom generation. As I see it . . . People born from 1905 to 1926 were The Greatest Generation. They fought WWII. Those born from 1927 to 1946 were called The Silent Generation. They lived quiet happy lives in the prosperous 50's and 60's. The Baby Boomers are those born between 1947 and 1959. The righteous and ambitious ones--civil rights, women's rights, and new educational opportunities were born. Generation X people were born between 1960 and 1974. Children of the Silent Generation, Boomer Lites. Generation Y were born between 1975 and 1990. The Slacker generation, children of Boomers who had children while they were young hippies. The Echo Boomers were born between 1990 and now. Children of the Boomers who waited late to have children, when they were educated and affluent. Ambition and education is up with them. It is not Gen X that I ridicule, it is Gen Y. Y should I get a job? Y should I leave home and find my own place? Y should I get a car when I can borrow yours? Y should I clean my room? Y should I wash and iron my own clothes? Y should I buy any food?
And who has been in control of Congress for the last 40 years? Boomers The Boomer generation has done a lot of great things but they have made two huge mistakes that have led us to where we are today. 1. Ever since WWII, the Boomer generation has held on to the notion that it is America's place to police and save the world. We have spent trillions on wars since WWII and mostly because America got cocky after WWII and thought we could defeat any enemy at any time. 2. Pension babies and the cradle-to-gave entitlement class. Boomers thought the post WWII industrial base would last forever. Their big unions demanded and got (with the help of government laws) unfeasible pension and compensation packages that made it impossible for American industries to stay competitive. Quality went down while future generations were expected to fund 40 year retirements. Never entered their minds that the companies they worked for would eventually die and be unable to fund their pensions. They also killed America's industrial base with their over-burdensome government regulations. They controlled and manipulated a market for years, making ridiculous money for labor that just wasn't worth it. The free market eventually exposed them and now they are whining and crying about it. America's only hope is to rid itself of this idea that you can negotiate your future retirement on the backs of unborn generations who will be expected to pay for it. Nothing is free. Make your money and plan for your own retirement and care.
Nonsense. They have a slight majority today and have been so for only 20 years. Most of that is on the Silent Generation. Bill Clinton was the first baby boom president and that is about the time that Congress began to have significant baby boomers. Again, this is an issue that predates the Boomers and post-dates it as well. That is not how pensions were designed. The pension funds are designed to make enough money to cover expenses. The problem for some pensions has been underfunding of the pension contributions. Both the employee and the employer contributions were too low. Pensions that have been properly funded are fiscally sound. Boomers have not simply handed off burdens to younger generations. Boomers are still paying taxes, driving the economy, and will be for a long time. Americans 50 and older control over 48 percent of all discretionary purchases and own more than 80 percent of all money in savings accounts and 79 percent of America's financial assets. Half of the Boomers will face lower living standards once they retire, mainly because many have tended to live beyond their means while working and will lack the financial resources to maintain these habits. Many boomers will keep working well past retirement age. The other half will live at or above their accustomed living standards because they lived responsibly, have significant savings and investments, and are debt-free or close to it. Many boomers will retire early, regardless of Social Security. Of course every generation has about this same breakdown.
I was born in 1970. That makes me a boomer lite? Gen x will be the next generation in line to have to solve the nations problems. We are the generation of iron maiden and ac/dc. God help us all.