Debt Ceiling Deadline - August 2nd

Discussion in 'Free Speech Alley' started by mobius481, Jul 11, 2011.

  1. Rwilliams

    Rwilliams Veteran Member

    Sep 14, 2010
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    Why is the tea party so hated? What have they said or done that makes them racist kooks? They simply want government to stop borrowing money and to live within their means. They don't get involved in social issues and they have even spoke out aginst tea party leaders that have gotten involved in social issues. The tea party's mission is a balanced budget amendment and to pay down the debt. Pay down the debt not through tax raises but through spending cuts. Why are they called stupid racist kooks when they are simply Americans that don't want either democratic or republican led governments to spend more money than we take in. Why all the hate? Are democrats afraid that their blank check to buy votes may be taken away and without the ability to buy votes they will lose power?

    PURPLE TIGER HOPE is not a strategy!

    Nov 2, 2006
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    Elections are generally close. If the Democrats can't buy minority votes by claiming elderly votes with scare tactics...or buy youth votes with brainwashing...they buy them with actual dollars. (e.g.: welfare, affirmative action, ACORN-type programs, manmade global warming hoax, etc.)

    Take these "buy a vote" programs away and the Democrats are stuck with the bleeding heart liberals, the non-productive elements of society, and the jealous who hate to see people rewarded for effort.

    PURPLE TIGER HOPE is not a strategy!

    Nov 2, 2006
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    Well...the leaders have agreed. Now let's see what's in the deal and if they'll get enough votes.

    It probably won't be enough but it's a good first step.

  4. tirk

    tirk im the lyrical jessie james

    Feb 4, 2004
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    See post 405 and 407 from last night. That tells you what it is.
  5. joker

    joker Founding Member

    Aug 16, 2002
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    Because they are the mortal enemy of those that want bigger and left-wing government. The left wingers in the media are terrified of the movement and spend every ounce of their energy attempting to demonize and marginalize the tea party movement.

    There is very little journalistic integrity anywhere. Whats worse is that they lie, twist and distort the "news" to promote their agenda.

    At least with dykes like Rachel Madcow you know what you are getting. It's the Katie Couric's, Oprah, Today Show, et al that still have the ear of a lot of ignorant impressionable people that are the problem. The one's that present themselves as unbiased regular joes.
  6. LSUsupaFan

    LSUsupaFan Founding Member

    Feb 20, 2003
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    Because they are a bunch of simpletons who don't understand the root of the problems this country faces, and because of that the solutions they offer won't and can't work. I saw a survey of tea partiers and 80 some odd percent of them thought the entire deficit could be erased by targeting fraud, waste, and abuse, and eliminating foreign aide.

    I will say this though. They tried hard to stop the status quo with this debt ceiling hike. That is admirable.

    Nothing at all.

    There is major overlap between the tea party and religious right. Nearly half of the partiers consider themselves to be part of the religious right, and Herman Cain, who is amazingly popular within the movement is mega high on social issues.

    Here is the Tea Parties agenda as put forth in the Contract From America. As good as it sounds the only way to accomplish the balanced budget part is massive entitlement reform, and huge cuts in defense spending. That isn't covered.

  7. HalloweenRun

    HalloweenRun Founding Member

    Oct 16, 2009
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    I don't think they are hated. YET. I am deeply suspicious of zealots of any nature. To much focus on issue A, lets issues B through ZZ go un-addressed.

    I feel the same way about "prayer in school", abortion, women's rights, all the gay stuff, all the single issues that simple people can glam on to.

    Interestingly, these are all the party, either DEM or GOP litmus tests issues, as well. Single focus is the opposite of broad perspective, and that is what I am all about.

    These single issues make it easy for the simple folk to take a stand (or be manipulated), without a clue to the big picture.

    Remember 1/2 the population has less than average intelligence (an inconvenient truth in a maturing democracy). Cause they all got votes!

    With the TEA party, they have very simple "solutions" to very complex problems. To say "Pass a Balanced Budget Amendment" by Tuesday or whatever, reveals the simplistic and nonsensical nature of their doctrine. At this point, I direct all naysayers to John McCains "unedited" comments this past weekend on this piece of work.

    I sure wish simple solutions, single issue politics, fear and saying "no" to everything worked over the long term. But they don't. Did any of you ever read the "Everything I learned in Kindergarten books" Kids that just say "no" don't do so hot.

    The TEA party are just the latest bunch of rubes, recruited and manipulated by the hyper-rich to fight the proxy fight. The ultra rich are not satisfied with the huge preponderance of the wealth of this nation that they now hold. They always want more. Their thirst for wealth and power is insatiable.

    The foto from the WV TEA party rally pretty much says it all. The little ole ladies on the Medicare provided scooters, holding the Cut Government Spending signs. Need I say more? Can I say more?
  8. Rwilliams

    Rwilliams Veteran Member

    Sep 14, 2010
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    Tea party members may not have the answers but they do know what the problems are and are trying to make these problems priority number 1. Government should not spend more than they take in. Government must give back to the states powers that once were theirs. Government must strictly observe the constitution. Everything congress does can't be justified by the commerce clause as the healthcare bill is trying to be justified.
  9. Rwilliams

    Rwilliams Veteran Member

    Sep 14, 2010
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    The spending rules that the tea party wants enacted would affect both democratic and republican future administrations. The changes the tea party wants affects each equally. Both cuts from entitlements and corporate welfare are needed and will affect both parties sacred cows. If we keep spending borrowed money our kids and grandkids will reap the whirlwind. Our children will suffer because we can't cut our spending.
  10. Rwilliams

    Rwilliams Veteran Member

    Sep 14, 2010
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    Red has taught me the need to have so many forward deployed troops around the world in order to maintain our present world mission. I say we need to change this mission. If japan wants us to station military units in their country then the should pay for it. If we need divisions in Europe then the Europeans should pay for it. We should bring at least half of our forward based troops home and station them here. We could spend some of the money saved on troop transport ships and heavy lift planes. We could save plenty of money by not having so many people forward deployed. Or navy has more than enough strength to protect troop transport ships carrying our troops and tanks anywhere we need them. It would be cheaper to build more destroyers to protect transport ships than to keep 40% of our military forward deployed. That alone would save several hundred billion alone.

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