Yep, and there he goes thinking he knows what is "best" for us. SabanFans avatar says it all. Absolutely priceless.
Hey if you want America to default on their loans more power too ya. When your original question though... I would require them to cut the cards up. But the GOP holding the debt ceiling hostage is like John Wayne Gacy (sorry Bachmann fans) asking Ted Bundy to ease up. The GOP only wants the Democrats cards cut up, and theirs active. I didn't say anything about spend spend spend, but if you think the GOP is really serious about making cuts, you are fooling yourself. What they want to do is cut spending on entitlements so they can spend that money elsewhere, on billionaires, and fighting unions, and giving money to oil companies, or funnel even more money into defense which is completely bloated. The conservative hero Paul Ryan's budget plan would have added around 62 trillion dollars to the debt over 50 years, so when you guys come on here and act like the GOP is all about spending cuts, you make me laugh.
It may suck, but it's the truth. I mean if we default, the Chinese may take Wal Mart, and PF Changs, and Ikea away from us..... What are fat ass Americans going to do if that happens?
As opposed to taking benefits away from people who rely on them to avoid from becoming homeless thanks to a lack of jobs created by poor fiscal policy on the part of our legislators on behalf of the country's wealthiest citizens? Both of them are ****ed up situations. I just think the poor people deserve a break this time. The rich guys have been getting breaks since they were born.
Congrats. You've cracked the code. It has long been to GOP's plan to rid the nation of poor people so the rich guys can make America their personal playground. Poor people are so...unkempt. Who needs them? The rich are now sufficiently wealthy to sit on their piles of money and quit trying to make more by expanding their businesses and hiring these dreadful poor people just so they can go on eating and existing.
Saying things like that here is like walking into a Klan meeting with a Boy George costume on. I agree though.