Can you tell us how you really feel? Where are the jobs? Overseas. Why don't they hire here? Most companies are waiting for the smoke to clear, obama out of office(Take your pick). I see what you're talking about, but with too many things up in the air, companies are sitting on cash, holding back. What will their tax rate be? What is Washington going to do? Too many unanswered questions.
IT Departments full of classified civil service employees are different. Employees are extremely hard to fire if they have been here for a few years. Academic departments may be different for the tenured professors, but not for their professional, untenured, and other unclassified staff. They live in a cut-throat world. Even tenure is hard to hang onto anymore if you are a do-little. But research departments full of unclassified employees serve at the pleasure of the Board of Supervisors and it's publish or perish, secure grants or be replaced, deliver or die.
Obama was a day late and a dollar short. Earlier in the day Harry Reid's plan did not include any revenue enhancements, but Obama went back to his "make the rich pay their fair share" mantra, implying no deal unless jet loopholes and other nominal revenue producers were included. Right hand, I'd like to introduce you to the left hand. Instead of seeking a lasting solution, Obama is trying to get re-elected. Boehner kicked his ass last night, for sure.
If a man makes 100K and is in debt for a $million, cutting his cable bill won't help him either. The only way to pay down a debt is to post surpluses and put that surplus to paying down the debt. A raise (or more income from elsewhere) is the absolute best way to pay off that debt. This is how you and I paid our debts.
If you are in a job with no raise, you cut spending........ The easy fix would be to get more people back working......... More people paying into the system.
The sooner "the other" 98% of Americans figure out the Republican Party is against them, the sooner this country may pull itself out of the vertical nose dive it is in. Unfortunately, the demise of education in the US of A makes it unlikely such insight will occur. Anyone in politics (a despicable endeavor by any metric) whose going in position is "No" is part of the problem, not the solution. Without compromise, in a profession, which used to be termed, "the art of compromise" all you have is porn.
Who was in charge of the 2001 and the 2008 market crashes and recessions, the real estate bubble, the wall street bailout . . . you may have forgotten but the people haven't. It was Bush. They were the ones who got us into this mess, after all. The party of Bush. Obama has overseen a steady rise out of recession, a growing market, a growing GDP. Middle class old people should be scared of the GOP, they will gut SS and Medicare without and protect big multinational corporations and the idle rich. The only solution you would accept from Obama is resignation. :insane: You actually are deaf dumb and blind.