RED SAID Reagan was a smart Republican who knew he had to be practical, not inflexible, and realized that he was working for ALL of the American people, not just the Republican ones. Reagan compromised many time with House Speaker Tip O'Neill to get the business of the nation done and the two were quite friendly. AND HE IS RIGHT But things have changed since then. The hard core of each party hates leaders that work with 'the enemy'. It's a lot nastier now. And it's a big part of the problem.
I agree that inflexibility is part of their problem and I absolutely agree that it is foolish for any candidate to sign any kind of a pledge. But I do not see any serious split between the Tea Party and the GOP establishment. They both agree on fundamental fiscal issues, but may disagree on strategy. It wasn't the Bush tax cuts that led to budget deficits. Consumer spending drives the economy. When consumers have more income, they spend more and that historically creates increased government revenues. The wars in Iraq and Afghanistan had a lot more to do with the budget deficit. It has been said that truth is the first victim of war, but that's not true. The budget is the first victim. The top 1% pay 40% of the nation's taxes. A generation ago they were paying 25%. The wealthy, and even the middle class, has more success at saving and investing than does the poor. DUH! That is part of capitalism. The poor can improve their lives through education and training. Their future is largely in their hands. As long as the poor keep dropping out of school and make no effort to train for a skilled, marketable job their lives will never improve. But the wealthy is not taking anything from them, and taking from one economic class and giving it to another economic class only serves to keep the poor in a perpetual state of poverty.
I am sorry LaSalle but you could not be more wrong about the Tea Party. They are not far right, although they do have a Libertarian streak. They are middle-class citizens who are better educated and more affluent that the average American. Secondly, their focus is on economic policies; they have mostly steered clear of social issues.
That's where I'm at. I may not like some social policies of the left but I don't like some policies of the right either. I'm about keeping the economy afloat without all the debt. Debt is our greatest enemy. It keeps us from doing other worthwhile things. If not for the intrest on the debt alone we could be spending money on space research , medical breakthroughs and the such.
Since it is sort of on topic I'll post it here. Can't wait to see this one spin. I'd say it for them but those of us in the "know" already "know" what is coming. Have fun: From Steve Wynn Read more: Wynn CEO Goes On Epic Anti-Obama Rant On Company Conference Call
I completely disagree. I think what you just said may cover you and people you know personally, and I do believe this is how it started, which I was behind actually, but then the crazies took over, and people like Bachmann and Palin started representing the Tea Party.
which is all fine and dandy, but I refuse to sacrifice liberty for strong fiscal conservatism. Let me rephrase because I know people are going to say that I am saying conservatives don't believe in liberty. that is not what I am saying. What I am saying is most of these conservatives have very strong social conservative beliefs, and If I would always side with the person who believes in social liberty rather than social conservatism.