Funny. Ignore the wins we got (Liggens, Kwon, etc) Just focus on the one bad... Try to celebrate what we do have and not lament what we dont.
That's why we call Shreveport "East Texas"... I kid, I kid but yeah that was interesting that he said he was 90% LSU and then waited to see what Kwon would do before making his decision today
Never want to see another highly rated in-state kid fly the coop, especially when he was the lone BIG linebacker in the class. Getting Kwon softens the blow, but losing top in-state kids is a trend we need to reverse. Of course, I see that Collins still hasn't signed his LOI . . .
yep. the LSU program is about to get KO'd. 2012 is like the beginning of the Curley Hallman era all over again