Look backward, young man. To the dark days when a young black man growing up in the 50's or 60's routinely was called a monkey by bigots and racists. There are quite a few of these people still alive who remember the pain of these comparisons. It's easy for a young white man to dismiss this issue as overblown but to many it still stings. I'm sure if you would consult with Dale Brown today he would admit that his choice of words was in poor taste. I am sure that he didn't plan to say those words. His mouth engaged a little faster than his brain did.
I am green and rather tall so therefore I am holding out for SF to blow it with a reference to leprechauns. Nootch came close but he is short so he gets a pass. So I kind of get what you are trying to say.
everyone knew exactly where the OP was going with this. Of course, everyone on the planet knew what Dale was talking about also. He was not calling Shaq a monkey/gorrila/ape/whatever in the context that the OP was trying to insinuate. Saying "King Kong" is a lot easier/quicker that "really big, strong, unstoppable male human being that strikes fear in any other human being that should happen to oppose him".
Pardon me, but Dale Brown is white and I can empathize with what he's saying here. It's obvious that Dale was making a comparison between the powerful and the gentle, NOT between black and white. Anyone who doesn't get this is . . . too . . . damn . . . sensitive. What's more powerful than King Kong? He whipped Godzilla'a green ass. What is more gentle than Bambi? How is it possible that anyone could miss this.
all you guys are misunderstanding him, let me explain for ya randy.... Dale Brown called him King Kong, which makes people think of Donkey Kong when then makes people thing of the Nintendo. So in essense, Dale Brown called Shaq -- Old and 2-Dimensional.