i agree with randy. dale didnt mean anything by it, but similar comments by others (that i also think were innocent---cosell, mcquire) have drawn much attention. i attribute the lack of attention to nobody caring about dale. if he were doing color for espn then maybe something would be made from it.
Just so you'll know, Your guess about lots of people being offended is wrong. Political correctness is not the Christian value of considering other peoples feelings before your own. It's about someone trying to make the whole world conform to your own opinions on how the world should be. As a matter of fact, it is truly un Christian. True Christianity involves dying to yourself and to the "world". Political correctness is about glorifying yourself by trying to make the whole "world" see things just as you do. By saying that Dale Brown was not as sensitive as he should have been; by saying he was wrong for speaking truthfully about Shaq's character, what you are really saying is that you are a better person than him because you would have been more considerate of others. Quit pretending to be so considerate in public. Whether you are a Christian or not, you could use a dose of humility.
How about the Incredible Hulk. Any analogy that doesn't involve a monkey or a gorilla would have been better.