cuts to medicare/social security in exchange for tax increases

Discussion in 'Free Speech Alley' started by LaSalleAve, Jul 7, 2011.

  1. mobius481

    mobius481 Registered Member

    Jan 20, 2006
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    You totally missed my point. Businesses are the job creators. To your point, specifically small businesses create lots of jobs. You disagree that big business create jobs but that's beside the point, let's focus on small businesses for a minute. Small businesses are not being encouraged to create jobs with current policies/statements/actions. If you disagree, show me how.

    What the republicans should do is give Obama his tax loopholes that he's so adamant about but offset the revenue with real job creation incentives. Instead of scaring people away from hiring by saying you're going to increase SS taxes, let's incentivize people to hire with tax breaks. Everyone wins. But the republicans are being to damn stubborn and the democrats genuinely don't know what creates jobs.

    My last post was not arguing the fact that small businesses create jobs, it argued the fact that we are properly incentivizing small businesses to create jobs.
  2. shane0911

    shane0911 Helping lost idiots find their village

    Jan 11, 2005
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    Exactly, instead of trying to raise taxes, they should take their foot off the throat of the economy and get people to work. When you do that you gain more taxpayers and voila, problem solved.
  3. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    Fantasyland. The new jobs are going overseas.
  4. mobius481

    mobius481 Registered Member

    Jan 20, 2006
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    That's the point.
  5. LaSalleAve

    LaSalleAve when in doubt, mumble

    Jun 8, 2008
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    I agree with you, what I was saying is the wealthiest 1% are not the job creators, and they are the ones who have benefitted the most from these massive tax breaks, tax breaks that Ronald Reagan would shake his head at. I was saying the "job creators" are small business owners, not the Koch Brothers.
  6. shane0911

    shane0911 Helping lost idiots find their village

    Jan 11, 2005
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    And SabanFan already told you why. Geez, its like playing cards with my brothers kids. Nerve racking sons of bitches. :D
  7. mobius481

    mobius481 Registered Member

    Jan 20, 2006
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    We'll disagree about the top 1% then. Hard to argue that Bill Gates doesn't create jobs at microsoft but whatever.

    On to small businesses. Do you think the administrations policies and actions are encouraging small businesses to create jobs. If so, what specific policy/action?
  8. LaSalleAve

    LaSalleAve when in doubt, mumble

    Jun 8, 2008
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    I don't think any of his policies have helped small business. I think the bailouts were supposed to help, but really didn't, and the stimulus was supposed too, but the stimulus went to the larger corporations. I think he has actually hurt small business because only 3% of the stimulus went to small businesses. I do like HR2568 the "fairness and transparency in contracting act" Text of H.R.2568 as Introduced in House: Fairness and Transparency in Contracting Act of 2009 - U.S. Congress - OpenCongress

    This bill would put an end to all federal contracts going to large corporations instead of small businesses and should create around 1.8 million jobs. But this is not an Obama policy, it's from a Democrat in Georgia. I like that idea....
  9. mobius481

    mobius481 Registered Member

    Jan 20, 2006
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    Okay, so we're in the midst of the worst economy in years with the highest unemployment rate since the early 80's and the highest sustained unemployment rate ever and we haven't done anything to create real incentives for small businesses who are the largest job creators in the economy to create jobs.

    On top of that, the government has created uncertainty with respect to future policies and has dicussed increasing taxes on every American that makes over $106,800 and doubled the tax burden for those who own small businesses.

    This is the frustration with Obama. The republicans in congress are screwing the pooch here too. They haven't proposed, to my knowledge, a trade off between job creating incentives and "loophole reform". Instead, they have dug their heels in the sand and won't even make an effort to compromise.

    Business as usual in DC.
  10. LaSalleAve

    LaSalleAve when in doubt, mumble

    Jun 8, 2008
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    I would be totally against a tax increase on anyone making below 250k a year. Hell I would probably be against a tax increase on everyone making less than a million a year.

    You are right though, it is business as usual in Washington.

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