I think some of you guys... Those who are bad mouthing Auburn people, really need a reality check in the world we live in. We are all Americans, at war with terrorism, and all other problems we have. Whether people are Auburn fans or not, If they had a natural disaster, like tornados, fire, etc I would want to help them out, likewise I hope they would help me out. I don't understand how some of you guys can fight with the other fans that come here. Its one thing to debate and argue before the game, we won the game and I think the Auburn fans for coming here and giving Kudos to us. God help you people that are attacking them....
YOU ARE RIGHT AS RAIN!! But you know, Sourdoughman, EVERYBODY cannot be as good and kind-hearted as you are. I will try to be a bigger and better person when it comes to Bauburn . . . . but for now . . . 31-7!!!! BWA HAA HAAA!!!!! GEAUX TIGERS!!!!!!!!! PS Sourdoughman: you are currently being a LOT nicer to the Baubies than you were just a few weeks ago to LSU when we lost to Florida. You didn't seem so "humanitarian" then (neither did i, but i never claimed to be big-hearted). In fact, your posts back then were pretty MEAN. You probably hurt Chad Lavalais's feelings. Perhaps you should apologize to LSU for the things you wrote then instead of apologizing to Bauburn for some of the posts you read here after Saturday. I'm not trying to pick a fight with you, I'm just pointing out a little inconsistency here and having some fun with you. :geaux: :lsug:
Had they beat LSU they would be all over this board making you sick, they would be talking so much shit. I look at the few posts you call "attacking" and I dont see it. All the garbage they brought on this board before last week, I think the LSU posters are taking it very, very easy on them. I think a few of them deserve alot more nastiness they have recieved after the flaming posts of last week by the Bauburns & Bauburnites. While you want to bash them, I want to commend them for taking it very easy on Bauburn. Every body has there own opinion.
Re: Re: Destroy Bauburn! I'm with Lafitte & Saban here. Don't let the door hit you in the azz on the way out. And, grab another two auboob knuckleheads, one under each arm, and drag them out and back to the "BARN" with you.
Re: Re: Re: Destroy Bauburn! Ditto - If the EaglePlainWarPussies had beaten us they would be here trying to make our lives a living hell.
I was just kinda putting things in perspective with all the fires and other things happening in the world. We have 2 fires near Denver now, it just makes football look secondary. I suppose you guys are probably right, they would still be giving us hell if we lost. As far as my posts a couple of weeks ago: Chad wouldn't be Sad because I said nothin about the defense. I said nothing bad or mean either about our team in general, other than I thought maybe we shouldv'e tried something a little different when the offense was struggling.
You're right. We have wars, terrorists, fires, hurricanes, sicko killers and rapists, and poverty. I'll just start worrying about all that and get depressed while I stop caring about whether LSU wins a silly football game or not. But I'll bet you that there a quite a few LSU fans in Iraq and Afghanistan right now who get a morale boost if they are able to follow the Tigers this year. I know if I was over there defending our country it would make me feel at least a little better at least for a few hours.
Let's hope we never see it again. The way we played against Florida, I mean. I hope we never see that again. :geaux: :lsug: