Whatever... Good luck to the rest of you class guys and congrats again on a game VERY well played and coached. See you next year on the Plains.
Destroy Bauburn! These Bauburn fricksticks like to talk about "class" and "classy." What the hell does that mean? It means nothing to me when it comes to Bauburn. Bauburn must be destroyed. Its buildings razed to the ground. Its land salted. Its men splayed to feed the vultures. The name Bauburn must be erased from the historical records and the memory of humankind. Bauburn women and children will be spared and taken into the LSU Tiger Tribe and taught the ways of the mighty Purple Centurions. They will embrace us and thank us for delivering them from evil. The Bauburn children will be taught to sing songs of praise to Coach Saban, Matt Mauck, Michael Clayton, Chad Lavalais and Alley Broussard and the children will make glad the hearts of these LSU Tiger heroes. Our LSU Tiger city will shine like a beacon of hope throughout the land for all Bauburnites who currently worship the false god of Bauburn WarChicken/Tiger/Plainsmen. I think that this is a pretty classy, epic-poem-type of post, don't you think, Barners? Thus spaketh Jean Lafitte. 31-7, and it wasnt' that close!! :geaux: :lsug:
Re: Destroy Bauburn! No bull. I was lurking over at WEN and enjoying reading about how Tubby is killing them and how LSU's talent is so much better than their's and why can't they be like us? Verrrrry therapeutic. Anyway, seems like every other post has some reference to "class" or "classy". What's the deal? If you piss me off and I get in your figurative face then I'm not classy? Should I put up with 31-7 smack for a year then turn the other cheek and congratulate you for the fine effort and the way you support your team? Screw that. You reap what you sow and I'm putting a lot of hay in the barn right now.
Re: Re: Destroy Bauburn! It may not be what the Barners consider "classy", but I'm having a damned good time with the Barners right now. I think we'll beat them next year too! :geaux: :lsug: PS Barners: I don't feel this "special way" towards other college teams that play LSU . . . only towards you Bauburnites!! Until I taunt you a second time! Your classy friend. Jean Lafitte :geaux: :lsug:
Re: Re: Destroy Bauburn! You got it. Now get the hell out of here. One final thought: some of us LSU Tiger fans don't give a crap what you think about class, football, LSU fans, or anything else. We hate you and want to see you cry like babies. That's what motivates us when LSU and Baubarn play. :geaux: :lsug:
what the heck is meant by Bauburn? It sounds like those idiot Aggies calling Texas t.u. If you can take this statement from Jim Rome, and replace the teams, you can begin the learning process 6) "T.U." is not funny. It is not insulting. It is dumb. Just imagine if folks from Texas kept talking about M&A and giggling. That would not be funny. In fact, it would be retarded. That's why UT fans don't do it. Please learn.
Isn't the BCS funny? Only now can your root for your enemy the rest of the way. I remember a time when every team rooted for whomever was on their schedule to lose their butts off.
Explanation. Well, they were "Auburn", because they thought that they turned their season around after the two pre-season losses and were going to run the table. You see, they thought that they would be playing their "A" game from now on. On Saturday Night In Tiger Stadium, they look so horrible, that I call them "Bauburn", since I don't think that their name should begin with the letter "A". Actually, I should call them "Zauburn", because that looked like Bauburn's "Z" game last Saturday. :geaux: :lsug: