One thing I am sure of, Robinhood is done... class action suits inbound. The Robinhood ipo is crushed because of the debacle, too
What is the best education on crypto “accessories”? Platform to buy, store and sell? I get foreign exchange... but I don’t understand how to buy it and it into a storage facility, then back to market to sell. Obscuring wealth from dems and their policies are a priority for me.
I use Coinbase. I've never experienced a problem with them, but I am a slow investor. I just started putting a small amount into bitcoin once a week. The crypto market is still in it's early stages, so any exchange you find carries some risk.
I use coinbase for the little bit of crypto I have but if I were to invest larger amounts I would want an exchange that didn't report profits to the government. Anybody know of one?
I use voyager. They pay you interest on the crypto you keep with them. They are US based, a public company and insured. I’m at the track. I’ll put together some resources to learn tonight.
My soon to be son in law bought $80 worth a while back. It is worth 14K now. I told him to sell. He wants to hold on. He is fine with it going back to zero. SMH