Like many others on the bitcoin subreddit, I believe its going to hit unheard heights in the years to come. I don't plan on selling anything soon. I've been on this rollercoaster for years and the dips and crashes don't bother me. The bitcoin I own is only a small percentage of my overall stock portfolio, so if it tanks, its not a big deal.
And unlike years past, institutional investing has now come in. Still easy to see 15% drops/rise inside of minutes.
I'd be a bitcoin millionaire right now if I didn't sell what I had when I bought it for $20 per coin. Made about 2k when I sold it and thought I was the Wolf of Wall Street at the time. What a jackass.
my 2 cents = although i have some BTC, i think the price is sky high with speculation. The use case is limited - high fees, small blocks....i dont see it becoming the everyday use case crypto where you might buy a beer, burger, or a pair of shoes. I like BCH and other cryptos far more. I think it's gonna fall out of the stratosphere soon and will probably tank the whole crypto market as it does. Be careful everyone. Maybe the institutional investors will keep it flying....but the value doesn't justify the price IMO.
And then there's this... SF man who can't remember Bitcoin password with $220M says he's made peace with it. I call bullshit. If true, you can't ever make peace with something like that.
7 minute mark. Regulation is here I'm sure most know, but that is what was so attractive about bitcoin was that it was not regulated. Whether it is good or bad, it is here.
I know a lot of you hate The NY Times, but they have had a couple of articles on block chain recently. May or may not be behind the paywall. If interested you can do a search on the site.