Oh lord. What a web of mess you are about to dive into. Best to start here. For me, it is a mixture of videos and reddit threads. Though once you have the basics down, all the different "coins" and their projects start to make a little sense. https://www.coinbase.com/learn
I should have known. There is a dummies book for everything. I should held onto DOS for Dummies. It's probably a collector's item now.
I was a kid when that was still around. Its funny. I took the kids to the track a while back and there was some photographer and we paid for some pictures of the kids ridding. In addition to digital download, he gave us a CD.... I was like, I haven't had a PC with a CD drive in an easy 5 years. Just think of what kids would think of floppys.
It does fluctuate alot though. I'm sure you recall a few years ago when the value spiked almost overnight to 20k (1 btc was equal to $20,000 USD, for the novice). Last time I checked a couple of days ago, it was around 9k. Still not too shabby, but it did come back down to earth and lost half of it's value. Did it include a free AOL account with Netscape browser?
It’s been pretty stable around it’s current range. I dont own any BTC. Wish I did, but glad I kept up with it all and kept learning. Things are making much more sense now. Some of this tech, like what Cardano, Vechain, and others are doing has real value IMO. This staking concept is unique as well if you have read any about that.