Awww, but you know how some of this fickle fans are...they're ALL about "what have you done for me LATELY"... Just be thankful that you're one of the fans that can feel comfortable knowing better. :thumb:
Good point. We also didn't run the flea-flicker or the statue of liberty. Crowton's gotta go. He's clearly no fit for the SEC. How can he be content only scoring 45 pts like that? Take that nonsense back to BYU or LaTex where it belongs.
I'm not disappointed! I wasn't before, and I'm certainly not now, not after seeing some of the games today. Solid win, did what we had to do the way we should have given our opponent, which is all I ever ask of an LSU team.
Great point - totally agree with that. Had the game been closer, I bet we'd have seen things open up a lot more. _______________
This is all that needs to be said... Sloppy field, ZERO turnovers... thats why they went vanilla... Expect LSU to open it up next week in TS